Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

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Thanks Localhost for support ;) ..

Well here is some brief about the downtime , my server filesystem got corrupted , and all things got deleted or corrupted automatically , then there is more worst to worst thing was that i lost my latest backup , so i reinstalled the server , and now restored the old database , even on billing system newly registered users are gone , so i request all USA Rapidleech customers please raise a ticket with your old rapidleech url , and if they are new then i request them to register again , and then please raise a ticket with there rapidleech url so that i can make new accounts again for rapidleech .

Note : if anyone recently paid the invoice too please let me know as i got no invoice in billing panel but i can review it via paypal or alertpay transactions .

Sorry for the huge trouble for you guys , we will going to credit 3 days into your service for 1 day downtime , hope this will going to be fine .

What's New : OS Upgraded , PHP Upgraded , Installed some Modules for fastest speed without any slow load , new interface for rapidleech.

Thanks and i am sorry for the problems that you guys faced due to downtime .
Glad its back! now just waiting for my RL URL to be back again

~Best speed
~Excellent Customer support
~Setup time less than 2 hrs
Thanks for the service!
Two thumbs up on this

Thanks guys , really am so happy to get clients like you , cheers all things will gona be up and setuped today perfectly .

Hey...When will the billing site is going to come up!? im trying to buy one ;)

Today only , i'll update with all things here only ;)
I m still waiting.. [Ticket ID: 863803] please solve my issue..
Bharat can you please review my submit ticket
[Ticket ID: 863803]

Hang on please , i already said today it will gona up and running so it means today , i just didn't even slept for night , got hell works to perform :\, sorry for this kind of reply but really am so stressed out , as its not sinple work to restore something back :|

Is your email the same still for contact still experiencing major issues...

Yes it is .
Thanks guys , if anyone left please raise a ticket , and if he is not registered then please register and then email with last date paid for latest invoice + Transaction id so that i can refer it .A Screenshot will be good . Thanks
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