Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

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So, from nov 24th payment still pending!
No us sales, no news about this point

Looks like ryushare start to die!
Continue on the same lines!
My payment is still pending from the 23/10 but be patient as they are paying, you just need to wait your turn.

I am still getting sales but you are right with US traffic they would be a lot better, ryushare say they are working on adding new options to buy premium for US users.
Ryushare, Why are you deleting files very much? deleting 50-200 files everyday... Please solve the this problem.. I guess,This is not DMCA files... Thanks in advance...
clouse, very soon, They will add another payment company.

Ahah, very soon. This problem that you must resolve very fast, but not four weeks!
Disabling avangate was not spontaneously, they sent notofications to all hosters 5-6 days before it!!!
And payments of 3 weeks age will be soon.
Webmoney is not problem now. There's enough exchangers is internet!
a stupid question. only working day or including the weekend?
Payout Schedule:
- Within 10 - 15 days after request (note: not sale fraud !!!)
- Within 15-20 days after request with first receivement
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