Ryushare has been come back after many difficulties. We are sorry that we can not pay you right now. But we hope that you will continue to work with us today, our systems are ready to welcome you back. Previous earning we will pay you soon than expected if you go back to work with us. New earning we will pay after 2-3 week.
Hope you understand that we have no intention to deceive you, if so then we came back with a new system and database = 0, no previous Earning.
Dear Uploader's,
Ryushare has been come ..... New earning we will pay after 2-3 week.
....new system and database = 0, no previous Earning.
Minimal payout is €20
You can not request if your last request is PENDING
It seems odd to me that they were able to restore all the folders, but none of the files.
got PAID. and requested the remaining earnings. i just starting to upload again, guys, bring back your old files and start with Ryushare again. they still paying!
got PAID. and requested the remaining earnings. i just starting to upload again, guys, bring back your old files and start with Ryushare again. they still paying!
Ftp working but files not showed at file manager ryu. How you re'uploading files?