Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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I haven't found anyone posting fresh RYU links. None the people I follow that used to use RYU (mostly as a 2nd or 3rd host) have come back. Some have added OBoom or one of the Upload_whatever, but nobody's gone back to RYU.
After they pulled that nice BS on us and deleted months of work without notice, nobody in their mind would ever go back to RS . i was one of their big uploaders and brought them huge amount of sales daily but after wiping out the archives like that, the thought if going back to them wouldn't even cross my mind in the next 10 yrs ! RS is dead for me, period !
Ryushare has been come back after many difficulties. We are sorry that we can not pay you right now. But we hope that you will continue to work with us today, our systems are ready to welcome you back. Previous earning we will pay you soon than expected if you go back to work with us. New earning we will pay after 2-3 week.
Hope you understand that we have no intention to deceive you, if so then we came back with a new system and database = 0, no previous Earning.

You will pay but I must go back to work with you?
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if they decided to pay, i will continue working with them and bring back the good old days. i'm planning to re-up all of my previous files in ryu.
I think what they mean is that they'll prioritize paying the pending payments for those who continue working with them.

I've already uploaded new stuff to ryu and will plan to re-upload all my previous stuff too.
Dear Uploader's,
Ryushare has been come back after many difficulties. We are sorry that we can not pay you right now. But we hope that you will continue to work with us today, our systems are ready to welcome you back. Previous earning we will pay you soon than expected if you go back to work with us. New earning we will pay after 2-3 week.
Hope you understand that we have no intention to deceive you, if so then we came back with a new system and database = 0, no previous Earning.
It seems odd to me that they were able to restore all the folders, but none of the files.

XFS's folder structure is logical, which is saved in the database, not the disk.
They restored the database, so the folder structure is also restored.
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got PAID. and requested the remaining earnings. i just starting to upload again, guys, bring back your old files and start with Ryushare again. they still paying!


if he can pay my small amount of request I will start working with them. I dont think you earn fast after they get shutdown. can you show us your stats?
hey guys i'm on rebuilding my ryushare links again. yes they pay me, just show them that you are willing to work again. they will prioritize your payout instead of waiting for 3-6 months. send them an inquiry via email or contact them at ryushare site.
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