Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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^yes. mine get average 50Mbps from 1Gbps server in Netherlands which is only half of maximum speed. I guess your hard disk reading/writing speed also will affect the uploading speed.
^ I just make maximum 6 files transfer simultaneously...no tweaking. probably I choose some good ryushare servers to upload because some server probably overload with people uploading files. you may test it one by one until you get the best server.

your RDP is 1Gbps?
^ I just make maximum 6 files transfer simultaneously...no tweaking. probably I choose some good ryushare servers to upload because some server probably overload with people uploading files. you may test it one by one until you get the best server.

your RDP is 1Gbps?

yes I'm using hostedges.com - netherland 1GBPS but still I'm getting a low upload speed. can you try upload right now if you can get a higher upload speed thank you.
i can`t understand why people still use this host.... what you found in ryu which other hosts don`t have ? There is no host like ryushare which have problems almost every month.. so why people still stay here, are you masochist?
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i can`t understand why people still use this host.... what you found in ryu which other hosts don`t have ? There is no host like ryushare which have problems almost every month.. so why people still stay here, are you masochist?

because they are trusted, and always paid

all ppl who are working on DDL / Fileshare usually just steal others's content, they dont care if those can be sold at $1 or $100 as long as they have been paid
What you mean with trusted ? i can give you minimum 5 host which also pay .. and they are much more fast compare with ryusahre..
Trusted - ? They have problems almost every month... with CC.. also their support is lazy to give answer i don`t think they are trusted... They don`t care about uploaders...
What you mean with trusted ? i can give you minimum 5 host which also pay .. and they are much more fast compare with ryusahre..
Trusted - ? They have problems almost every month... with CC.. also their support is lazy to give answer i don`t think they are trusted... They don`t care about uploaders...

you're right...Ryushare problems every month.do not support.
sales problem.again...again...again...
The bad thing is this absolutely helplessness. U write dozens of email, u use their contact formular many times but they ignore u und u can do nothing about it. I wanted to cancel a payout request of 28.10.2013 and rather use the money for renewing my account but i cant. The cancelling is ignored, the payout is ignored - everything is ignored by Ryu. My account runs out an 23.01. and if i can not renew it through my earned money many of my files will be deleted. No uploads, no downloads, no downloaders = no money for Ryu. Its ur fault, Ryu! Thats all i can say, i give up now.:thumbdown:
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