Thank you
Cypherz and
zoug100 . Your English is Good and you explain my situation in better words
i don't expect more than this at all. i do nothing in this days but Ryushare counts very fair 
so why I don't be happy when i don't share on this days and my files just are on my site. Yes, Cypherz, scorpio, Richard and stiven are Good Uploaders and they have good sales and when i saw their stats, i just respect them and their works, i can not complain because this is a fact
more than my sales stat (Because I earned much more on UL) , I'm happy with Ryushare fair counting

i just have 2 dreams :
1. Ryu Become more popular on
warez sites. They are awesome and famous on porn sites, so porn uploaders have more sales and also huge time sales.
(see my sales, always they are 1 month but for example i had 3&6 months and also 2 year sales on UL but Ryu is not more famous on warez, so people buy from me but 1 month)
at the end of my exams, i will work more on my site that people trust me more and also i will publish my files on some forums too that people know them more on warez.
2. and i hope every thing be in this same honest way on Ryu. it is enough for me and it will encourage me to work more and upload unique files more.
sorry for my bad English,
Best Regards.