Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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what rapid leech hosts can leech from ryushare? i tried some but none of them work. seems ryushare changed something with their downloads!!!!!
what rapid leech hosts can leech from ryushare? i tried some but none of them work. seems ryushare changed something with their downloads!!!!!

yes no more leach my friend they changed the system so that any direct link cannot be downloaded by any other IP than the one that created it so no more debrid sites at all :)

Ryu is the best :)
Most leechers and uploaders preffered Ryushare ,just because of Ryu daily quota is pretty high , to steal our files by downloading and remote uploading to the other filehosts.....
I think Ryu was working hard on this problem, and apperantly they solved it.. and it affected the sales in a good way . We all know this..

Thanks Ryu

and What`s more... it very hard to crack Ryu premium acc. for exploiters . Ryu security system bans your ip 12 hours....
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actually comparing the use of remote upload and the harm of debrid sites is not fair who cares about remote upload ryu is not for backup and if u upload to many hosts use rdp and will do it fast even if u want the new files remotely uploaded upload them o the second host first then ryu :D ryu protect us from those thieves
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