Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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well congratulations to you all who got payed i am still waiting,and ther suport ignored me all the time i have send 3 tickets and still no reply 2012-11-11 AND STILL PENDING...i have never had this problems with other filehosts.....
we`ve been told that new paygate was gonna change next week .. i was a couple months ago..

when are you guys gonna change the onepay.vn with a better one ?

it`s almost impossible to sell pre. with this one...
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When I go to the buy a premium page, I can't select a Payment Option, it's blank. What's up with that? I've tried several browsers, they all do the same thing.
if you are from USA then that's the problem only us guys can't buy for me just tested onepay works as it was

@ananisikim for god's sake remove the Pic there is zero need for it please mate
if you are from USA then that's the problem only us guys can't buy for me just tested onepay works as it was

@ananisikim for god's sake remove the Pic there is zero need for it please mate

No...USA paid membership does not...dont working...
tested...onepay USA does not work
that's exactly what i said mate clouse that if he is from USA purchase won't work and the rest of the world onepay works as at was before that coz he said that there where no payment options appearing at all for him

if you read it again i said to him only us guys can't buy which is cannot buy :)

I requested a payout somewhere ago, however up until now it's still onpending status. And lately I'm in need to download data from Ryushare, is it possible to cancel the payment and send them back to my account balance?

` madmadman ` When is USA problem gonna be fixed ? or you guys are ok with resellers ?

Please give an answer . We have to make a decision...
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