They survived for over a year (or two, if I remember right) because they were actual businesses with a lot of planning backing them up. They were actual incorporated companies.
You, on the other hand, have no business plan, no money, and most definitely no idea how a business works. You think stealing a design, and stealing checkout buttons is 'saving money'. Wow, that is one fucked up logic. I have never seen a legitimate, real business say that they copy stuff from other people 'to save costs' lol. Grow up, that speaks enough about your age. And you say I'm 10 years old lol.
In any case, you are at the mercy of Paypal. If they refuse to work with you, and I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, you guys are gonna go down faster than any of your 'uploaders' can say 'oh shit'. It would be extremely stupid and naive for anyone on here to think that earning money from uploading is a sustainable activity; it's not. Not for the uploaders, and not for the filehosts.