| $25 / 1000 PPD - 70% PPS - Rewarding points - Bi-Weekly payments

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A scheduled maintenance will take place tomorrow 29 Jan at 5AM GMT on one of our file servers and this maintenance will result 6 hours of downtime (until 11 AM GMT).
Upload service will not be affected by this maintenance but about 10TB of files will not be accessible during this time.

Added after 3 minutes:

Hi, MrRock
I want to participate your PPD program
ID: Huffman
It's invite-only program, you need to be invited by an exist member of you should have an active/old account on WJ.

please add more space for me.
ID: Ruthann

Your account is not eligible neither for free space or free premium.
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Did the PPD rate got decreased again?

Can't tell , site is down again. for the eventual rate decrease that would just be the 6th consecutive time in 2 months xD
edit now it's back : and you're right... 0.007$ (for Tier A !) for 100 Mb files, and 0.013$ for 550-1050 mb files...

apart from that , no paiements since 14/01
and 15% of my files (60-70 GB) deleted during recent "maintenance"... which must account for most of the latest blow took by our earnings.
I assume we're close to bankrupcy here... time to switch elsewhere
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Did the PPD rate got decreased again?
Yes, a small update has happened and it should be temporary.

free user download speed and time between files ?
300 - 400KB/s , 30 min. waiting time and it various depending on country.

Did the PPD rate got decreased again?

Can't tell , site is down again. for the eventual rate decrease that would just be the 6th consecutive time in 2 months xD
edit now it's back : and you're right... 0.007$ (for Tier A !) for 100 Mb files, and 0.013$ for 550-1050 mb files...

apart from that , no paiements since 14/01
and 15% of my files (60-70 GB) deleted during recent "maintenance"... which must account for most of the latest blow took by our earnings.
I assume we're close to bankrupcy here... time to switch elsewhere
We talked about pricing a lot before and we explained ourselves regarding this point.
What do you mean by " no payment since 14/01?" do you know anything about our payout system?

We've not removed any files in maintenance (it's just a maintenance :) ), not sure how you linked the maintenance with file removal?, as we explained before too many times, files are removed for 3 reasons only:
1. inactive file
2. file protected with copyright and it gets removed by it's owner.
3. adult material.

Our servers are highly protected from disk failures and data loss.

Feel free to move to another host, we are working everyday to serve our "partners" who support us in all cases and we support them by every mean.

Thank you.
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. yeah you "talked about pricing a lot", sure, but the end result is this : it ALWAYS decreased, NEVER the other way, and by now is slashed by half since initial rates

. It's not exactly the first filehost that does massive deletes (regardless of the dmca requests...), I think rapidgator users have plenty horror stories to remember kids in this department, as for linking this to your maintenance, well, maybe because nearly everything was deleted at that moment ? :-=

.as for so called "inactive files", I know full well how this works, and I wonder if it was supposed to happen to your premium users as well ^^
coz it's funny being premium, get 60 Gb files deleted in a day, being pretty much forbidden to up HD files with your stupid 1TB limit AND get 300 kb speeds or lower.
Close to masochism taking premium here, It sure won't happen again...

.btw your site just got suspended ? ... reminds me something :heiligenschein:

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- We are decreasing it gradually and we're done from that, current rates are good for us and uploaders.
- we're received two reports one of them contains 204 links alone, and the other 101 links, meybe these were yours, but we never remove files without any reason.
- Not sure how you decide such things, who told you it was suspended? :)
look at Sorry screen above... that's exactly what we get when we type with chrome right now. Maybe you need some CPanel tutorial ?
thanks for the laugh anyway, claiming it's good for your uploaders seeing their rates divided by 2 since you started was a good one :-=
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The same strategy as always, puts reasonable rates, slightly larger than the other filehosts, with weekly payments of 10 or 10 days with good download rate and attracts mass uploaders. After already have a good amount of uploaders and generating good money get the same problems: They change the payment dates stretching the same, lower rates (3 times already) and who are finding it bad to leave (even with most uploaders with files totaling more than 200GB). Simple right? All changes are always for the worse for us uploaders.
The same strategy as always, puts reasonable rates, slightly larger than the other filehosts, with weekly payments of 10 or 10 days with good download rate and attracts mass uploaders. After already have a good amount of uploaders and generating good money get the same problems: They change the payment dates stretching the same, lower rates (3 times already) and who are finding it bad to leave (even with most uploaders with files totaling more than 200GB). Simple right? All changes are always for the worse for us uploaders.

We are really sorry about that, but that wasn't our plan. We just failed to attract advertisers as planned.
When we decided to get rates lower to keep the business up, we decided to do it gradually not to affect our uploaders income suddenly (we did that in good faith not to harm uploaders).

We already offer high quality service and high speed and we succeed to provide good user experience.

We serve 300+ uploaders and most of them are happy with us and we will keep supporting them by every mean exactly as they are doing with us in our start-up.
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What you sure you have to say that most are happy ??? For to tell it, to be able to further lower the fees? Because the way it will very soon come to an average of $ 1 a day the average uploaders ...

Added after 10 minutes:

The old story, when the host sees the money come in his pockets looking for a way to retain the same, and in this case, the best way to remember is simplesmnte lower rates, lower amount of payouts, decrease the count of the downs etc etc etc and always who takes evil is the uploader (which are the ones who generate $$$ for you).
Now this is simply because these types of hosts has more competition, so put the low rates and will increasingly downloading. Pray, pray a lot but for Bitshare have even finished, because almost 100% of uploaders were to rockfile only by the lack of Bitshare. Wake up while you can, try to captivate the uploaders, improve the rates, perhaps so they do not migrate to other hosts (in the case of Bitshare, will be a miss GIANT).
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Thank you for your advice, we highly appreciate feedback and we listen to our users and we do our best.
The point is, when a business is getting older, it get more stable and more power, but we still new and income is limited, we are here to stay and we'll always do what help us to stay.

We are not that kind of giant providers who server the whole world, we have target to serve limited group of partners in certain counties and keep the service good for them and keep our business for long time.

Rest assured that we'll fix things when we can, and if you note that the whole story is about rates, we've not received any comments about service level, payout late, bad support, etc.. So please don't focus only on the dark side.

If it's all about money, there are too many providers out there who offer high rates. Every provider has a target, you look for the one which has same target as yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take this civilized discussion.
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