RedLOAD.NET - PPS 65% - PPD $40 / 1000 - Website & Referral - Weekly Payout

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Are you sure that Italy is in rank B? 0.0005 cents for 13 completed download (this is for rank D !!!)

Yes, it is in Rank D. But we dont count multiple IP for Premium :)

2014-06-29 1 / $0.0029

0.0029 x 1000 = 2.9 $

On your affiliation page i see - Italy B 100mb+ files = 8$ [Not 2.9]

So or you are counting Italy like rank D or you are counting 101mb+ files like 5mb files.....)

Check and fix please.
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rates are not good really.Using 5 filehosts and earn the least with redload.Please fix rates redload.It is the same with old rates.
Yes, it is in Rank D. But we dont count multiple IP for Premium :)

2014-06-29 1 / $0.0029

0.0029 x 1000 = 2.9 $

On your affiliation page i see - Italy B 100mb+ files = 8$ [Not 2.9]

So or you are counting Italy like rank D or you are counting 101mb+ files like 5mb files.....)

Check and fix please.
Sorry for my mistake. IT is currently in Rank B. Please give me your result for checking.

rates are not good really.Using 5 filehosts and earn the least with redload.Please fix rates redload.It is the same with old rates.
We are unable to count multiple on Premium and count 2 earning on Free download

Please upgrade my account to premium so I can test your FTP.
User: chibchakan
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