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  1. H - Host, Watch Videos Online & Earn MONEY! [PORN ALLOWED]

    hi VideoWood you can support video sub type *.ass ( Aegisub )
  2. H

    Videoner.Com Video Hosting , Earn Up to 80$/10k [PORN ALLOWED]

    pls add Vietnamese sub! And you can support sub file ASS ?
  3. H

    Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

    but with JW Player 5 , viewer dont change sub? now sub on & off , dont change English or vietnames
  4. H

    Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

    @streamin i dont see it ? ( We have upgraded our player to JWPlayer v6. Please view changes here : Introducing JW Player 6 | JW Player ) now your web Introducing JW Player 5.1. Why ?
  5. H

    Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

    Hi Streamin One film have 2 or 3 sub , viewer dont chosen sub one or two... ( english or vietnamese or .... )
  6. H

    Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

    Thanks you , you add vietnamese sub But one film have 2 or 3 sub , viewer dont chosen for sub , pls fix it ( now it on or off ) , not chosen Eng or vietnamese
  7. H

    Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

    hello Streamin you count view after how much percent of the film ? pls add more sub vietnamese in edit file details ?
  8. H| High ( PPD, PPS And mixed Rates ) + 100$ Bonus

    hey man , if i is cheater , after very days i can get more 0.5$ from you
  9. H| High ( PPD, PPS And mixed Rates ) + 100$ Bonus

    You see my file download by proxies ? Mud real laugh for you...
  10. H| High ( PPD, PPS And mixed Rates ) + 100$ Bonus

    you count IP USA 0.0025 USD/ download ? pls check
  11. H - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    Dear xerver i see affiliate reports not good , it dont show download with group download You can update affiliate reports the same image below
  12. H - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    Dear xerver with file *.mkv, my member dont see have tab download, they see streaming , they need download , not streaming
  13. H| High ( PPD, PPS And mixed Rates ) + 100$ Bonus

    Hello Pls Upgrade my acc : hd_720p Thanks
  14. H - 1GBPS Unmetered - 1GB RAM - Windows VPS From $8/Month (US/CA)

    i need plan US1 , but i need HDD not SSD , if HDD i will have how much GB ?1
  15. H - VPS OpenVZ Linux - 1 Gbps - from $4.99 - Managed - USA

    i buy VPS paln 2 , i dont use it
  16. H - Official Support | PPD/PPS | Unlimited storage | Updated rates

    Hello updown i need up file size more than 1 GB Pls update my acc : or remove limit file size upload ( up to 2 GB )
  17. H

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Hello Uploadable-Jo free user dont download file size 1 GB , you pay PPD with rate 40$/1000 download , but free user dont down file size large 1 GB ? i think you need deleted limit for free user