| High ( PPD, PPS And mixed Rates ) + 100$ Bonus

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do you allow multiple download from 1 ip so we can earn money or just count 1 ip per download?


Each user can generate $0.06, it can be in 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 downloads, it depends on file size and country.

So Yes,
multiple download from 1 ip are counting

Added after 1:

Hello, I like very much this new servant...
Can you do my account premium?? Thank you and luck..
User: merlin77

Done, Thank you

Username : mido066
Please Upgrade

Done, thank you.
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it looks like with you guys it makes sense to upload small files only becuz 1g+ files dl from tier 1 only count twice and then it's 0.06 already.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
- Add FTP upload
- Remove "Copy files", that sucks. Lot of time to upload but only 1s to copy

- Change link format:


Link modified.
"Add to my account" has been removed.


it looks like with you guys it makes sense to upload small files only becuz 1g+ files dl from tier 1 only count twice and then it's 0.06 already.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2

Feel free to suggest any modification you see that we should do.

Thank you.
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User id : belwin1986
Please upgrade to premium.

Done dear, Enjoy :)

Added after 8 Hours 45 minutes:

Link modified.
"Add to my account" has been removed.

Login account. Click on Upload Files
Still see tab: Copy files

Tab removed.

Added after 15 minutes:

ok if you give me the premium you'll see my traffic, I like the style of the green box and I trust you ...

it means that you need to start to sell premium accounts, not just downloads.

it was the 4th time he ask for upgrade, after we do he donot use any thing just uploading // and no more when we contact him , he donot repley. y the way we donot give the upgraded accounts for this kind any more.
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