Other RDPlanet.com - Remote Desktops ($15/mo) & Encoding Solutions ($25/mo) (US/NL)

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ok i found that we can't install software... may i see the list? is ther any cost if i ask to install anything (as long as it's free or i have legal rights to it...

may i have a demo
serious buyer
You're Professional Server 200GB HDD seems to be down.
I got a black screen at first, so I closed the Remote Connection, I restarted it and can't connect anymore.
Please fix it ASAP.

Other than that, great service, nice speed with rapidshare/filesonic/wupload. Keep up the good work ;)


EDIT: Just some maintenance, it is back now. ;)
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Hello I am using your remote desktop ID- Hades06 from last month. I pay to use this desktop for this month my to your Alert Pay in 14 Sep 2011 & Reference Number: A083C-F37CA-D776F. But from last night 18 Sep 2011 at 10pm (GMT +6) I am not able to connect to my desktop & still now the same problem. In this desktop i have important files and software which I need now. Its argent and its also hampered my work life also. So I requesting to solve the problem and back me my desktop now or very very soon.

and Today a mail from a employ of your company name Roger Davis that I pay bill for Steve03. Just look my account I never get any account in this ID so why i will pay this. Pls don't do anything like cheat with me.
Thank you.

the problem of "thenilblue" should be solved soon, need to here a solution about the problem soon...

** is the support of RDPlanet becoming bad?? they aren't giving the answer of any mail & never come to the msn, i am waiting for 2 days for them already, they closed one of my friend's RDP account after the payment but they aren't solving the problem yet, what happened to them????
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I buy yesterday RDP Professional (for 34$ -5coupon) and nothing. i dont receive any details, i write on suport (open two tickets - Ticket #85052) i write on msn, nothing. Anynone reply.. what i f...
If there is any problem, kindly PM me on WJ too.

There might be some time for support to answer but there is a reason for that. Both chandrakant have college from 9am to 7pm. But rest assured, we have already paid for the servers till June 2012. Also, in case your ticket isnt answered for say, a day and you couldnt use the RDP for that time. You will be given 1 day free , no questions asked.

We have 8 servers and 84 clients (active). And 95% of the clients who use us, keep on renewing. So, you don't to worry about the money you invest with us.
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