RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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A very good streaming provider goes offline. Thanks for this year's streaming offers Rapidvideo. Even though others had blasphemed about you, you still provided us with very fast streams for years. It wasn't just Xvideosharing, it was something unique.

And I believe to 100% you had also your reasons for it. Just like that a service doesn't go offline, there must have been pressure.

Thanks for your services the last 4 years.
Rest In Peace RapidVideo, you where one of the better hosts.

-One of the first hosts around to offer 1080p
-Best Streaming speeds and fastest encoding.

I hope you won't be forgotten. :(

Sayonara Rapid.
I hope that the site will come back live soon.
And for the team of rapidvideo to find a way on this copyright threats, it's hard but not impossible. Blocking countries will not fix the problem. In my opinion the site is legal now more than every host here , and I think they are doing what is necessary to keep the site floating , it's a normal process.
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