We will not pay, not because we are unable, but we were ordered by legal 3rd party not to do it, sorry.How long does payment take to pay?
id:7893 BTC
Dear Team,
I'm Here to Help Webmasters keeps videos working on there sites From ( DMCA "DeadLinks")
and i use rapidvideo on my list
my request please is to give me premium account so that i can keeps webmasters videos working on my account ,
Acceuil Details : ID: 548707
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this services profitable for all ,
best regards,
hi rapidvideo,
i'm one of you oldest users maybe, supported you with hotlink when it first came out,
kindly make me a premium user: ID: 51471
ftp upload is not working ..
server off.
Status: Connecting to ...
Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
Error: Could not connect to server
Player have issue with Fullscreen due to Logo, when the video player is sized too small for mobile users.Hi rapidvideo or you have remove logo option from player.logo not showing on embed player???
Torrent Upload
Can you add this upload method?
Also in USA
403 Forbidden
don't bother, website will go down soon1080p does not work ???
Let's see how long they continue. (don't bother, website will go down soon