Rapidshare change their policy

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I just asked for a refund, but no replay yet. And what do you mean with "chargeback"?
You can do a chargeback up to 6 months after each credit card payment at the issuing bank of your credit card. You have to explain exactly why you want to do a chargeback and since they change their rules, it should be enough to add a screenshot of their announcement.
Yes this is a terrible notice.
They write..only 7 days and then?? they delete all file in 2 second is absurde!
8,33 € for 250 Gb...if i have 1 TB how many money? about 32€ and for 5 TB?? 170$
they don't write nothing...
for many times we give us more money and now, rapid paid we in this system?
If i want to DL all of my file....the bandwitch limits is 50GB...for DL 1TB...i need 20 days....
ABSURDE!!! this policy is absurde
I asked for refund as well.
But it is really hard to find alternative, I thought about top unlimited cloud sotrage (top in reviews) u know which one it is first in all reviews, 'justXXXXX.com', but I don't know.
Don't even start witf FF guys, it is bad alternative, especially if You got more than 5 tb of files, they may ask you to remove some cuz they may think it is too many. Beside that, it sometimes happens that their server crash and some files are lost completely (I am telling it from my own experience).
Yes this is a terrible notice.
They write..only 7 days and then?? they delete all file in 2 second is absurde!
8,33 € for 250 Gb...if i have 1 TB how many money? about 32€ and for 5 TB?? 170$
they don't write nothing...
for many times we give us more money and now, rapid paid we in this system?
If i want to DL all of my file....the bandwitch limits is 50GB...for DL 1TB...i need 20 days....
ABSURDE!!! this policy is absurde
If you have premium, it's unlimited download traffic from your own account.
^CrashPlan is really good, I use it as backup for all of my personal computers. But you have to install their client on the machine which you want to backup. You can't simply upload with FTP or similar.

A real alternative would be a cheap server at Hetzner for about 20 Euro / month: https://robot.your-server.de/order/market
And you can buy backup space on their network which you can access from your server...
100 GB Backup Space - 4,90 €/Month 4,90 €/Setup
500 GB Backup Space - 9,90 €/Month 9,90 €/Setup
2.000 GB Backup Space - 19,90 €/Month 19,90 €/Setup
5.000 GB Backup Space - 44,90 €/Month 44,90 €/Setup
10.000 GB Backup Space - 79,90 €/Month 79,90 €/Setup

Prices include german VAT, so if you are from outside of the EU or have an EU-VAT ID, you will get net prices. I Know this is not as cheap as a filehost with "unlimited" space, but it's a stable solution where you have the guarantee that they will not close it down next month ;)
Dear customer,

Thank you for your inquiry.

I can confirm that this is no joke.

I understand you liked the old RapidPro plans and wish to keep them. Thank you for your feedback It will be forwarded to the according department to take into account for future changes.

Please note that if you would like more storage space, you need to buy it as all accounts follow the same condition.

Our highest priority is to provide you a great service. To continue to do that, on the 20.03.2013 we have to adjust our storage space offers. We were offering the most competitive offer regarding bandwidth, price and storage space and we still do. Please compare our plans and you will find that we offer great deals and great service!

Please note the changes are not coming into effect immediately. You can take your time to adjust to the new storage plan, apply for the right one or save your files temporary on your hard drive until you have found the perfect storage plan for you. Please note that you can apply for more storage space than the two basic plans. Just tell us how much storage you need for 30 days or one year and we will be able to make you an offer. We are also happy to announce that you now have 100 GB Public Traffic and of course still unlimited Self Traffic as a RapidPro customer.

Oh No No! Bad news for RS :thumbdown:

Sorry all, But I Fuuuuuuuck News of RS to day :((

My storage space in use is: xx.xx TB :facepalm: all file dead some days :((
you right thats why I need two filehosts. even that I remember when filesonic & others were down.. FF stoped uploading for free members for a short time. but this time is not as bad as that time

Come on Guys
Filefactory .... + what els ?
I need two good storage hosts I dont share my links
This is terrible news. I have been uploading all my stuff to RS in the last few weeks and now I will have to download it back (around 700 GB) to my HDD. F*** them, I'm off to buy a 2TB external drive.
can someone write a webscript to transfer files from rapidshare (premium) to filefactory (premium)?
remote upload allowed only 25 files, it takes an eternity by 5TB
bot-reply :( :(

spend 20 mins to write them to put the limit to 1024 gb (1 TB)

they reply like bot....

request them to give us more days at least.

this is by far the WORST news for this year.

Who cares about earnings or current filehosts if there are no backup options available.

Understand RS wants more profit - more account to sell, At least they should give all customer 30-days not like
6-days (total unprofessional) before deleting all customer's data :(

In the long-term they ll loose more as they are close to dead-end service.500gb is a basic limit. At least they should make it 1024 gb (1 tb) per RapidPro account.

Dear customer,

Thank you for your inquiry.

I understand you liked the old RapidPro plans and wish to keep them. Thank you for your feedback It will be forwarded to the according department to take into account for future changes.

Please note that if you would like more storage space, you need to buy it as all accounts follow the same condition.

Our highest priority is to provide you a great service. To continue to do that, on the 20.03.2013 we have to adjust our storage space offers. We were offering the most competitive offer regarding bandwidth, price and storage space and we still do. Please compare our plans and you will find that we offer great deals and great service!

Please note the changes are not coming into effect immediately. You can take your time to adjust to the new storage plan, apply for the right one or save your files temporary on your hard drive until you have found the perfect storage plan for you. Please note that you can apply for more storage space than the two basic plans. Just tell us how much storage you need for 30 days or one year and we will be able to make you an offer. We are also happy to announce that you now have 100 GB Public Traffic and of course still unlimited Self Traffic as a RapidPro customer.

You can see all the storage plans here:

I hope I could help you. However if not, please tell me specifically what I can do to help and I will, as always, assist you to the best of my capabilities.

Best regards,

RapidShare Support

RapidShare AG
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rapidshare f*ed up everything. I have 3tb data also and have only 6 days. I paid 100 euro for 2 years oh my god what a big scam. they solt rapidpro offers with unlimited data promise??? i think this is a scam and not legit. I will make refund request after 6 days. Oh come on people where to move our files?
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