Rapidshare change their policy

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I got 20 tb. what will I do mamak24 ?????
man I dont think i can handle my 1.4 TB not along your 20 TB.
rapidshit did it
just buy a FF premium and buy a leech server and use auto down and auto up untill you move whatever you can
Try empty your Trush
Its going to take lot of maney for rapidshit to keep your files
just buy a leech service & start now & save what you can

PS: is it ok to say rapidshit ?!! let me know if its not ok, I dont want my membership to be banned

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

I can only think about to options now
FF & megashares
please suggest something guys
I warn You guys once again that Filefactory is bad choice, some files dissapear cuz of server failures, and they often got problems if you store more than 5 TB (i wanted to have 12 tb there). Moreover remote upload works really bad, sometimes there are problems with FTP, especially evening. I would not recommend FF to anyone.
Currently I am transferring my files using ru to RG but this is a bad choice as well cuz of random file deletion due to bad servers. I have no idea where to transfer all of it.
To RS continue offering fair prices I can calculate. Now I use 10Tb for backup and periodically remoteupload (may be 1-2tb but no more) Also I pay 20$ mouthly for 100Mbit internet. May be this speed in hot very fast, but it's good for my country.

My 10 TB storage new price 20X20=400 Euros monthly.
Maximum remoteupload speed with Rapishare I ever seen was 300Mbit/sec.

My provider can create triple-speed channel for me (if I present a bottle of scotch to their techical director)
I will get 300Mbit/sec like on RS for 60$ monthly!

Profit -340 Euros per Month! Free month later I can buy 10Tb raid!
One year later I can open cheapestbestshare.com And host some of my friends from here for 5Euros
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Why manny users are suggesting filefactory?

I mean it is supposed that more filehosts also say that they store files forever if you buy premium account (eg Rapidgator, Luckyshare, Lumfile and maybe others)

So, why Filefactory is suggested by many users? Maybe because of its cheaper price?

I am just asking to make it clear because i also need a back up filehost like most friends here.
Also what about hotfile, keep2share, sharefiles.co, oteupload, sharedbits.net

@zoug100 lumfile deletes for sure

considering rapidgator im also in clutch cause i gout 21tb on rs i gotta move ASAP just doing research on most reliable and bang for buck. So far ff seems the lesser of all evils
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horrible news, either have to cough up double the price or loose all my data, great choice

mailed them with my own ultimatum, either they give me my 2 years premium with 500gb of storage or they can expect a chargeback and no further business
damn..i just open my RSM then i read their new policy!!!i just bought 5 months Rapids 2 days ago!!!!WTF..i think i have to look new option for backup..thinking to use fileserve, anyone?
I use dedicated servers for my backup files. O! Indian dedicated servers - I know it's not fast like others but who cares I'm using them for backups files (Speed 500Mbps - 1Gbps) and storage space has decent price I use like 2x2TB+1TB for $169, 5 IPs and I use Ubuntu.

It's good. So far no complains. Sometimes I also use Fileserve but they delete your files if they found that's copyrighted shit!

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