Rapidgator.net 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

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If they removed PP settings in our accounts, why do I still see my Paypal info in my profile now? I thought that disappeared when I saw the news earlier today :s

and when is Payza going to be added? WM is definitely too complicated
^How to verify when they haven't even add it yet? They say 'near future' but how soon is this future? It's a very subjective term with no dateline to it and currently only Webmoney is the only option.
soon enough everyfilehost will remove paypal or if they dont then soon they will have it limited so better start understanding webmoney else u will be wasting time on new filehost with paypal option and will get few $$ but then again have to start ur work on a new filehost
Where did you get that idea from? Have you tried to sign up?

I believe everyone can use the URL below and sign up w/o any problem.

I tried signing up and when I inputed my address it immediately shot up an error stating that resident from the US cant use their services. Am I the only one seeing this?

Anyone can tell what do I put in payment settings:
1 My purse number
2 My WIMD number ?

Purse setting. The one that starts with a ZXXXXXXXX where XXXXX are a bunch of numbers.

@luches: I agree with your choice of online exchanger there. Dealed with them once some years back and they handled it swiftly and professionally right into my bank account .
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Purse setting. The one that starts with a ZXXXXXXXX where XXXXX are a bunch of numbers.

Thank you v.much for your help;
This no more PP news really surprised me today (but on the other hand one can see that coming...);

One more thing: how do you handle wmz to pp exchange (the one recommended by @luches?) Or do you use completely different method ?

I was suddenly will not be able to login
Can not log in even if you receive a new password via e-mail

What is going on? Hack?
You guys can login?:'(:'(
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