Own website or blog running is more expensive and much longer. It's not the best option for the newbies.
Than you post on forums and cry for no sales.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Own website or blog running is more expensive and much longer. It's not the best option for the newbies.[/FONT]
Its maybe more difficult and takes longer but its definitely worth. If you are successful you can earn 10x more like when posting on forums, + you can earn good money from ads.
It's not fast, but it's cheap. Domain is 8$/year (with godaddy cupon 1$), host is 4$/month for start, find some simple wordpress theme for free (don't use nulled due hacking activities), rdp server is 15-20$ month (you can work without rdp if you have good internet connection).
How to build that kind of traffic that get you sales ?
Learning instead crying
It's not fast, but it's cheap. Domain is 8$/year (with godaddy cupon 1$), host is 4$/month for start, find some simple wordpress theme for free (don't use nulled due hacking activities), rdp server is 15-20$ month (you can work without rdp if you have good internet connection).
sales are too bad
Yes, I can't see it too when I use Firefox browser.can you see your folders (if you have it) , in My Files section? I can't.
Something's strange :D
can you see your folders (if you have it) , in My Files section? I can't.
Something's strange :D
can you see your folders (if you have it) , in My Files section? I can't.
Something's strange :D
[yes i ca'nt see my foldel , Folder disappear strangely. Maximum Login with Opera but Do not display