Rapidgator Discussion thread

RG drives me crazy.After two weeks without a single sale i decide to switch to PPD.Once i did it i got 2 sales :(

long ago when i started with rg, i didnt know which option was better - pps or ppd
every single time i switched to ppd i lost a few sales. switch back, no sales. switch again to ppd, lost sales.
so i kept it permanently on pps.
i don't get a lot, i don't upload a lot of material and what i upload isn't the popular stuff like porn, but i generally can manage 100/m on sales.
so despite the loud protests sometimes that rg is shaving etc, over the past few years my avg monthly amount went from 80usd to 100usd.
currenty the total for the month of april is 95$
for march it was 117$
for february it was 103$

i did notice a long time ago that rebills were no longer appearing as rebills, they were indicated as new premium sales.
i track all sales which is how i discovered this.

for those of you who simply copy into rg an existing rg link, you should know that the minute rg terminates a particular hash #, if one of your files contains that hash, then the file will disappear out of your account.
it takes more time and effort, but if you want e.g. a vid in your account, rar it with your own screen cap, movie poster, etc - this will create its own unique hash.
set your account so people can't copy your link into their own account.

every single time a file of mine gets a sale, i promptly create a new file with a new hash and put up that on the site and replace the file which generated the sale.
as far as i can tell, that helps stop the link from abruptly terminating.

also, with what's happening with UL, if rg ends up the same, i'm worried about losing all my files, so i've begun duping everything to FF and posting that link as well.
i don't know how popular FF is for sales, in the 9 days since i began using it, i've had none. but my sales with rg have stayed stable.
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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]2 more wasted sales today. [/FONT]:([FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] And after 5 days that i'll switch to PPS, i'm sure sales will disappear again.[/FONT]

and i can only confirm this, when i switched to PPD i got sales and almost no sales with PPS
Guys as we all can read rapidgator thread
good uploaders getting sales
some new uploaders not able to generate some old ones also facing little issues
some time technical issues in rapidgator some time sales are low we cannot deny that we should accept reality
A thought about working is that we spend many hours doing this, if you don't enjoy what you are doing you are wasting your life. It is better to love what you do and make less money than to work for the money and hate it. Life is too short!

Give your best try to be serious hardworker and smartworker you can generate sales u can get downloads u can get access you can do whatever u want to do man
trust me or not thats true some time we win some time we learn but we never loose thats true so dont think about money just do your work and thn see u will earn
u need to have good terms with rapidgator staff so they will not shave your sales as well as they will count rebills too i dont say they shave may be there are some issues may be they do who knows
but they never do with big uploaders thats true
if u like i can help u guys

To have confidence in your work,
Means you are self assured.
You love everything about your job,
And feel very secure

feel free to contact me thank you ..
Rapidgator's reputation is beyond recovery. I don't know why you people still work with them. Once they removed my sites "by accident" and then stopped paying my site comission by shaving the ref url I quit. Lots of webmasters have trouble with RG, there are plenty of good options out there.
Rapidgator's reputation is beyond recovery. I don't know why you people still work with them. Once they removed my sites "by accident" and then stopped paying my site comission by shaving the ref url I quit. Lots of webmasters have trouble with RG, there are plenty of good options out there.

Like what?One is worst than other.
I work with rapidgator, filejoker, upstore, depfile, file.al, subyshare, hitfile, turbobit, uploaded and have sales on all them. Filejoker and upstore are my fav coz they pay always on time without 30 days delay, but rapidgator give me much more money than any other. If you know what you do, you will earn money on any old filehost.

One queation, any of you have sale via affiliate link? I think that sales via it don't work.
I work with rapidgator, filejoker, upstore, depfile, file.al, subyshare, hitfile, turbobit, uploaded and have sales on all them. Filejoker and upstore are my fav coz they pay always on time without 30 days delay, but rapidgator give me much more money than any other. If you know what you do, you will earn money on any old filehost.

One queation, any of you have sale via affiliate link? I think that sales via it don't work.
Sure you do have sales buddy :)
Porn uploading + One or more big board(s) / forum(s) or / plus your website that contains a lot of traffic due to link exchange with big boars or paid ads or SEO that you got from somebody who knows how to do it quiet wel :)
So don't tell us that you have an exclusive content and know what to share and when or where bla bla bla ...
It is all about where you post = huge traffic and amount of visitors = a lot of sales ;)
Just started using rapidgator, I think for PPS these guys are the best, no matter the shaving or what not and they pay on time too.. The service has the fastest upload speed and I have tried lots of file hosts.


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