Rapidgator Discussion thread

Good day for me , 1 big sale for me today , I love you rapidgator


Congrats for this stupid step since you will not get any rebills from your removed files :fly:
We all know RG is shaving, but nevertheless you get some of your sales and rebills counted when your files are alive, now you will not get anything :dan:

With translator googloe Understood it was me, but it has been eliminated rapdigator who I 6TB

I feel my English, use translator
Something is really weird going on, things are just like when RG lost their CC, sales are becoming extinct, and if we look at the recent changes/decisions by RG, it seems they want to drive away most of the affiliates, limited space, deleting files even with unlimited storage plan and providing the same old fake "copyright infringement" reason, and shaving like hell, I think they are going to close this host or they will keep a very low profile with limited affiliates.
today is a shaving day for me
yesterday i got full beard(Sales) and mustache(Rebills) and they are shaving today
i dono again my beard and mustache will comes
jesus pls ban this shaving machines
Payout refund 24-05-2013 Us WM Keeper Classic to remove any limits

it means I lost my money or they will pay next week?

Payout refund means they will pay you next week , I do not know exactly but it seems to me
that you reached your limit In your account WM
and you can not receive other amount :ff:
^they will pay it again next week, but it will fail again if you have the same limits in your purse, so you should upgrade to WM classic (Windows application)

You guys complain about Rg`s shaving and File deletion each day, but Nobody stops uploading. Boards are like garbage filled with dead RG links . even if you extend your acc. The same day your files will be deleted . The reason : More than 60 days is not downloaded.. Rg gives you only 3 days sale the rest of the days for himself . Find a better host While your files already deleted
I chose the wrong renew option. Be careful if you renew every month like me. I chose the 30 day renewel, but I picked the one with files will be deleted after 60 days since last download. The one right below it gives limited storage, but that's fine with me. I will never come close to 6TB of storage. :hrhr: But when I chose the wrong plan the next day I had 700 files deleted, but it's my own fault.
lolz even if u choose 60 days it doesnt matter much to them . they cleverly made to plans for people to fall prey to them . dont go for such trap . act smart . they r not even worth a premium unless u also leech rg links ....
stats may be delayed, i can get sales everyday, but sometimes about 10 sales in one day, sometimes 2-3 sales one day. 10 sales a day was abnormal. so i think the stats was delayed.

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