it is easy. in Balance area , below you balance you have options :
Buy PREMIUM for 30(1024Gb) days (Pay with Balance)
...etc. just click in one you want ...But only if you have more than 13$
will be upgraded the own account? What about if I want to upgrade another one? (act as reseller)
Storage used 10.49 TB []
can not upload more right?
Why not add an option in the panel to buy space?
10 TB - 50$ for 3 months or 20 TB - 100$ for 3 months :sohot:
Not sure. Some here have that option, some like me doesn't even though I'm around $60 or so this week in my balance. Send them email and they did not reply the ticket regarding this matter.i have more than 50 usd. but not show any "Buy PREMIUM " button. they remove that option?.