Rapidgator Discussion thread

$ 12.99 USD 30 days*
1 TB Bandwidth**
unlimited*** Storage

* Subscription
** Your download traffic per month
*** Files will be deleted after 30 days since last download

Hello rapidgator. Apparently you don't have any idea what does it mean. Your download counter IS NOT WORKING for many files. It's a very well known problem since a very long time. You don't give a shit about this, we know. If my and many other uploaders files suddenly disappear in the end of May 2013 - it will be your end. Think twice before ideas like that or fix goddamn downloads counter problem, otherwise you'll be really dead.

Why don't you set reasonable storage limits for everyone? If somebody needs more storage space - you can allow it or not, depending on affiliate's performance.
RG, you can make 2 plans for uploaders ;>

1. Storage ~ 4 - 10 TB-> files will be never deleted (for premium users)
2. Storage - unlimited -> files will be deleted after ~ 60 - 90 days since last download ;> (for premium users)


In my opinion such a choice is satisfactory.

1 Plan with space limit - maximum 10TB is enough .. ^ ^
2 Plan with no limit, but deleting files after 30 days - it is also about (it would be perfect if the files are deleted after 60 - 90 days)

@1. It is a plan for me, because I need something that my files are not removed - by the end of the year is enough for me probably 6 - 8 TB;)

@2. Those who need a space without limits only clog the servers ... Let there not downloaded files will be removed and that immediately release the space.

Regarding complaints ... I do not understand how Uploaders may also complain that they have to buy a premium account.
I'm on all sites that I use have a premium account ^^

Someone who has a 6 TB of files... A pity him to spend 12 - 25 usd for a premium account? Buahahhaa
Too little earn?
1 - 6 TB of files and earn not enough to buy a premium account?

Go home...

Hmmm, or:
You can buy:
8 TB for 109,99€
10 TB (back up server) for 179,99€

I bought premium for one month, my storage (5,94 TB) will be available even after my subscription will end or do I have to renew my premium? in case if I will not use all storage.

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