me toodmmmmmm i lost my 13 i recently upgrade premium
but they are still deleting random files, today they deleted the part3 of the 3 files if it's was copyright infringement why not delete all the parts ¬¬
Hello rapidgator. Apparently you don't have any idea what does it mean. Your download counter IS NOT WORKING for many files. It's a very well known problem since a very long time. You don't give a shit about this, we know. If my and many other uploaders files suddenly disappear in the end of May 2013 - it will be your end. Think twice before ideas like that or fix goddamn downloads counter problem, otherwise you'll be really dead.
24h/1 IP is not a big deal, it's a standard in many filehosts. We will experience serious problems, if archives splitted in parts will be incomplete, because RG doesn't count downloads for all files, especially big ones.They only count unique downloads. I think if same IP download 2 diffrent files from same account, it will be counted as 1 download. In other words, same as DF. :facepalm:
Yes My Sales Fully STOPED and no 3 month sale since two weeks. Before 2 weeks I was getting almost everyday 3 month salesFull stop sales are