Rapidgator Discussion thread

yeah same here and our site is 6K in Alexa, Filestube 1K+, ours is PR3, Filestube PR0 so Filestube isnt even relevant on my side yet i am experiencing low to zero sale since last week same as other members here.

good thing RG is our optional host only so i can stop using it anytime.
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i really dont complain about sales in RG ever since i use them not until last week i think. im averaging 40 sales incl rebills weekly. and guess what this week i only made 18 sales incl. rebills. that is 50+% less from my average. this week i had two days with 0 sale (does not happen to me ever since i started using RG) Jan 31 and today 0 sale.
i really dont complain about sales in RG ever since i use them not until last week i think. im averaging 40 sales incl rebills weekly. and guess what this week i only made 18 sales incl. rebills. that is 50+% less from my average. this week i had two days with 0 sale (does not happen to me ever since i started using RG) Jan 31 and today 0 sale.

same thing 31st got 1 sales. yesterday got 4 sales today 0. but Its not My expected sales. Thts why i bought yesterday 2 premium from my links and sales not count. after that i was damm sure they shave sales. after this week mostly from tomorrow hope RG will be normal.

RG new policy just reply on my ticket

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]******@discardmail.com is not counted because it is not your client in a first place. The first premium was paid in 2013-09-14 and it was not connected to you. So next next sale can only be rebill and it will not be assigned to your account since there is not affiliate connected to this account[/FONT]
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i think its a lie, i have downloaders who sent me pm telling me they *renewed their account thru my links. and i thought it will be counted as rebills but its not. rg counted it as a sale.

*meaning they have an existing account (registered from different uploader)
yes u right but they now change policy . thinking , i purchase one premium from your links ( New Premium) u get that sales. after one month i renew My accounts from Other uploaders Link. Then still u get benefit. problem here, other uploader dnt get benefit cause 1st premium buy from your links. thts the new policy
they implemented that kind of policy with out letting their affiliates know about it.

so if this is true none of the uploaders will benefit if the file got deleted after a month.
fuck their policies . since now u caught them so they mke bullshit stories abt sale and rebill trying to confuse u . nothing else buddy . since now their shave proof is open so they make stories. actually everyone knows that these big hosts r shaving mercilessly but now days they shave us like hell thats only difference btw now working big hosts and 2 yrs back big hosts ....
fuck their policies . since now u caught them so they mke bullshit stories abt sale and rebill trying to confuse u . nothing else buddy . since now their shave proof is open so they make stories. actually everyone knows that these big hosts r shaving mercilessly but now days they shave us like hell thats only difference btw now working big hosts and 2 yrs back big hosts ....

may be you are right. if they really run with this policy then i will delete all files and shift to fileparadox.
So now you can upload 24 per hour uploud good content, but if person who bought premium from link buy for example one year ago premium with onother link who is not yours you dont get cash , cash will be sended to person who sold premium one year ago. So in my opinion its better do nothink beacuse now ours earning will be depend only on lucky, non hard work. This move eliminate people who want start advenure with uplouding, because many people for once buy rg account in the past and should be good for people who sold many, many account, but for sure this moves will be the best for rg owners. If files will be delete and person back to you after few month all cash will be go to owners pocet. And by the way , please stop tell as another ferrytalle that yours rebils counter work correct. Rebils with new files extinct like a dinosour few millions years ago, everybody heard about them but nowone see them. In my opinion this moves kill you. We have much patients when you few time stealing us in white day - when you lost all ours rebils, because yours servers crash, when it was period when counter stopped for one month, when you cut rates so strong, that then looks like a sturving rates. I think that its anought.
And by the way i m benefitients of this new rules, i have got 1 sales not with my link yesterday but im not happy. In last 3 days my sales go down with 5-10 daily to one, so for me after three years if in next few days the dont change nothink i finish my adventure with rg. For people who has own blogs , sites i recomends upstore. F...ck you rg.:smokin:
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