then thats a big problem and i shall be haveing talks with em cause it says now page cant be displayed all they needed to do was put a ddos blocker on they will loose many uploaders if there banning ips
im onto emailing em now been with rg long time ill update on the income and what they say
has rg traced the ip of the person dddosing em
i just tried anover ip myself and rg page loaded up fine they have 2 choices remove this ip limit thing or loose business and i think they will take the over road not to loose there business
and its no surprise to me that rg hasent replied think everybody needs to stop uploading to rg and let rg go down to nothing now
so all uploaders dont bover with rg cause they will block your ip
so we gotta think who next on the gender for pps
so we gotta think who next on the gender for pps
Here is msg from support:today again site down
i feel something wrong