Rapidgator Discussion thread

thedossetup they can delete with famous dmca specially those rebill parts only....if file got dmca then all parts should be delted but with rg only selective rebills part will be deleted........this month 0 rebill so far....
Can someone tell me which sites I could remote upload from rapidgator?

I mean, I have rg premium and I want to move my files to another host as well, which ones allow the remote upload from rapidgator? It seems I can't do it on uploaded.
Date Downloaded Sold Rebill Referals Earned Earned
2013-06-07 91 (0$) 2 (26.4900$) 1 (19.9950$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 26.49$

Normal day ... (for me)
what is this
2013-06-05 104 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
2013-06-06 132 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
2013-06-07 78 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
why i have 000 sale every day
anyone can tell me i am working very hard
less sales than some time ago at luckyshare but hoping in next month with rebills will be good enough - that is just a beginning
what is this
2013-06-05 104 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
2013-06-06 132 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
2013-06-07 78 (0$) 0 (0.0000$) 0 (0.0000$) 0.0000$ 0 (0$) 0$
why i have 000 sale every day
anyone can tell me i am working very hard

If you were working very hard then you should at least have 300+ daily downloads.
Every day you keep complaining about this, why don't you search for a better filehost then?