RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

Tarif Plans

  • I want to work on pay per download

    Votes: 275 73.3%
  • I want to work on pay per sale(50/50 plan)

    Votes: 100 26.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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here is the answer my ticket from admin :
  • 2012-04-17 01:13:58Administrator
  • MessageHi, we'll do some major upgrades in network so you will be able to download with better speed. few servers with new files are oveloader , probably thats why..
that's good. let's see.
Horrible Host. Captcha expired problem still exist. You can get 1000 of downloads on other hosts but you cant even touch 20 with this host. but still am uploading in ray of hope that one day they will upgrade the speed of free users and remve the captcha expired problem
Horrible Host. Captcha expired problem still exist. You can get 1000 of downloads on other hosts but you cant even touch 20 with this host. but still am uploading in ray of hope that one day they will upgrade the speed of free users and remve the captcha expired problem

users start hate me because of this host :D
Have you checked if you have selected "1 GB for free users"? Somehow I had selected the "500 mb for free users" and that was the reason the stats were frozen. Anyway, the stats are still much lower from last week
They are not cheating,its low download speed,more low download speed means more people gets tired and cancel the download,plus they may be having problems with JD.
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