PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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ahh dammit. This sopa and shutdown of megaupload is affecting every single site out there.

But thank you, i've only been a member for about a month but I have very well enjoyed my stay with you.

I think everyone should give thanks to putlocker for the opportunity to earn money with his file hosting company and didn't bail out on the people that made his site, that goes a long way. I hope whatever your future plans are putlocker you do well with, I'm sure we all do.
Thank you verry much Putlocker it was a great time with you , every one hier enjoy the uploading with you include ( Chris , Escobar , Daughter of sis , El_Warez and many others )

I wich that WE can work with you again in the futur

We will realy miss you
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Thank you for everything MrPut, it's been great fun. I will continue to link with put and sock regardless. Protect yourself and do what you gotta do.
If it's any consolation the MPAA is now up on bribery charges ha = )
Thank you for the heads up. Very Professional. Can we also count on some money back for the premiums bought...or not really?

What about amounts that didn't reach 10$? Will they still be payed?

thanks again.
Whats gonna happen to all the videos already hosted on a site..I have never really doubted that putlocker will be fair to all his affiliates no matter what happens i just really hate to see them go..
Well, time to say goodbye... :(
thanks for all! thanks for the money, thanks for the time!

gentlemen, it has been a pleasure to uploading with you :)

i know why i was always loyal to you, even in hard times!

compared to all other hosters, your departure is kindly and fair! you pay the pending earnings!
My Profil > External File Upload > than Put your link and click download file

Hi, thanks for your reply, but I finded where can I upload...But how work, i don't know...

For exemple this is my file at the movshare:

movshare.net/video/xxxxxx and for remote upload I need to add this to link "/TITLE.File extension"

SO my link to remote upload is: movshare.net/video/xxxxx/TITLE.avi

Now when i try to upload after some time got an error: "encoding failed"

Please help me, thanks a lot!!!
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