Whats gonna happen to all the videos already hosted on a site..I have never really doubted that putlocker will be fair to all his affiliates no matter what happens i just really hate to see them go..
Marco i really didnt want to get into this whole thing but i just had to...Ok noone likes these problems but common man give it up already do you really think they like having downtime on their servers and other problems that are occuring...this just doesnt make any sense...No matter what anyone...
Still i cant find any good reason why would they take your files down..
That would make some sense,but i belive that most of us here,uploading new files all the time...To make something clear,i really can understand your anger.
Im not trying to defend anyone,but it wouldnt make any sense for them to remove file that has alot of hits becouse thats where they make money in the first place..And making users uploading/downloading all the time would just make their bandwith bill much bigger..
No thats not true at all..All you have to do is send PM to putlocker and they will pay you your money.I had earnings over 20$ for several months wich i never took and they paid me that once i requested,whitout any problems.
Putlocker has to make money in order for us to make money..I would like for everyone to get involved and share some ideas what to do to increase PRO conversions.
My guess it would be counted as unique for both of us but lets wait and see what will putlocker say to this....nice question btw i never thought of that :)
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