PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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coming on admin , site dead over 12 hrs , and no any news here ... what do you want ?
hard to work with you ... I really want to give up !!!
anyway , thanks payment again !!!
Oh no, not again...All 28 pages of my putlocker links are offline on movie2k! Please, Putlocker, get it together! I just had to re-add all of these links last week...Do you know how hard it is to even get your links on this site since they've changed?
they say 70% of the servers are up

i hope so

Added after 21 minutes:

i don't know why but most of the sites they I know was in upgrade for the last 2 days

and now the website boerse.bz
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Called this one weeks ago

Putlocker/sockshare users that aren't happy that did business through paypal. dispute your premium membership through paypal, I'm assuming putlocker won't issue it so escalate the situation with paypal, Also send a request for payment provide all screenshots etc etc.
Putlocker/sockshare users that aren't happy that did business through paypal. dispute your premium membership through paypal, I'm assuming putlocker won't issue it so escalate the situation with paypal, Also send a request for payment provide all screenshots etc etc.

sorry,but your intentions aren't good (in my opinion).
Jesus hosts have downtime in fairness..deal with it and dont just turn on them when they have issues...and then lick their feet when they pay you..Just be patient and they will sort it

Putlocker/sockshare users that aren't happy that did business through paypal. dispute your premium membership through paypal, I'm assuming putlocker won't issue it so escalate the situation with paypal, Also send a request for payment provide all screenshots etc etc.

And as for you with your 1 and first post to say this nonsense..
Thank you MrPutlocker for all the hard work you do. I look forward to the site coming back up and being stable. (I really miss having a mute button here =P)
hi putlocker,
its understandable that u have to do maintanence once in a while.
but please give us some information as to approximately when the site will be back :)
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