PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Putlocker for november i have more than 10k per day, can you upgrade my account to lvl 3?
Usernamе for putlocker: Tsvqt
Thank you
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This tells you the type of business practices putlocker does.

Typical doesn't suprise me in the least putlocker good 15 days then iffy the last 15 days, weekends are iffy since they generate the most traffic on off on off, traffic is shaved the list goes on.

Added after 8 minutes:

Woke up this morning and found out I was banned from the forum, i wonder what for, maybe helping users not get scammed out of their money but anywho this is a conversation me and putlocker had just before me being banned to this forum and his site going down for a day mysterious or odd coincidence WJunction - Webmaster Forum!;http://www.wjunction.com
Private Message Dump for User chrispoolaholic; 15th Dec 2011 07:09 PM -->

Folder : Inbox

From : PutLocker
To : chrispoolaholic
Date : 2011-12-15 18:48
Title : Re: ...
this will not be available to you. Also, as of Jan 1st, since you are switching hosts your account will be inactive.

chrispoolaholic said:
Well i know things can change drastically when flaws are pointed out would you like to go over them with me in pms individually so I can continue using your service and make us both money I just want some answer for my own personal account, what would be the best way in your opinion to make money through your service with minimum dmca notices, as you can see all of my files are movies solely now if i upload mainly tv shows would my dmca notices go down drastically or? I would like your opinion on some of the successful users you have, what exactly do they upload that has the most life on your server.

Now let me remind you I'am payed up until the 8th for putlocker and he's saying my account is going to be inactive on the 1st, I called these odd business practices a 2 weeks ago now you guys should see the antics he does.
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Well first I want to get compensated for my times invested because surely I didn't invest hours on end for absolutely nothing, also the entire time I was investing my time numbers were being shaved right in front of me dmca notices were going extremely heavy numbers weren't matching up files weren't matching up with other sites counters, you seem like you like to defend putlocker instead of addressing some of the issues and getting them resolved if you like getting scammed for your time then more power to you but many users that pmed me agree and how's putlocker working for you now did you make some decent money today?
i know that putlocker has some problems. but what can i do? the world still turning, even when put is down for a few hours.

how's putlocker working for you now did you make some decent money today?
surely not with put because of downtime, but fuck it^^ there are enough other hosters, who compensate the breakdown today. i won't advise any uploader to be dependent from one hoster.

if one counts not properly hits... nevermind... he counts even any hits, better than nothing. i would just kick one hoster of, when i am not confindent with him, and use another... i did that also with some divx stream hoster... i didn't agree with waiting for payment 3 months, so i just take another hoster, no problem.

but many users that pmed me agree
i don't see anyone of them in this thread.

matching up files weren't matching up with other sites counters
other hoster do have these problems also^^ look at their threads.
how do you know, that the sites are counting correct? maybe they fake, to get more users.
in warez bussines, you have to be confindent with what you get... if not, just stop try earning anything with illegal material^^
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And that's what I intend to do not keep beating a dead horse putlocker seems stuck on not addressing issues at hand and keep them the way they are, one of the issue I touched on was down time if you read back in earlier post I wanted to prevent this from happening so all of us wouldn't be left scratching our heads many users say "oh putlocker is down" but never really ask in depth what is going on and ask for an intelligent response, I was one of the only ones asking questions and demanding answers and solutions that's why i was banned from the forum. I'm fine with moving on no hard feelings I intended on regardless when I get messages from putlocker stating Im going to take it into my own hands and deactivate your account on the 1st even though you payed up until the 8th since you voiced your opinion, putlocker put my money in my paypal account whenever you read this and you're more than welcomed to deactivate my account and keep scamming your current users.

Obviously im not going to put some of the users that pmed me out there since then putlocker would think a bit differently about them users and im sure they would be effected use your brain, im not just fabricating something up in my head here.

And you say maybe the sites statics are off, well hey I could go with that theory MAYBE if it wasn't on multiple sites see now if putlocker site numbers are off he has everything to gain, what do these sites have to gain by reporting higher numbers, and if that's the case of maybe its just a error with certain sites why isn't putlocker numbers ever higher then these sites listings it's always lower, use your brain ok.
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use your brain ok
sry, i don't have one :(
and it is really useless to waste my time with such a fanatical freak.
i can't see anyone here flaming like you, you are annoying everyone here with your bold and red font... if you want to make the world better, go and save the whales.
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