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  1. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... And if you recall last weekend this was the same issue, server down time it's the weekend jinx.
  2. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... I won't be around next month cleaning up links as we speak Site is Down for Maintenance You can follow us on Twitter for latest updates: Current reason for maintenance Experiencing some technical difficulties. We are working on it as we speak.
  3. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Go to your files, click anyone of your file twice now look on that individual file and see with your same internet protocol number if it registered as 2 hits, im not saying you dont get paid for 1 ip per 24 hour period READ but it should go in the non unique section of the statitcs...
  4. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    I think anything you try to explain with reasons that putlocker hasn't touched on wouldn't be valid otherwise he would address it not you as other users have questioned the counting, now that's all fine and dandy about putlocker being offline and the site where you posted still receiving hits...
  5. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    .. 15,000 unique hits a day not just hits period.
  6. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content The Dilemma.avi 401.34 MB | 1990 Downloads | Uploaded Nov 05, 2011 at 02:54 __________________ Added after 5 minutes: I have alot more files that are just disabled for streaming most of my popular files with lots of hits are being...
  7. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Same issue Same issue server problems on popular files imagine that, check your files guys putlocker is at it again the files are not removed just simply disabled for streaming. A History Of Violence.avi 346.01 MB | 2554 Downloads...
  8. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... I knew it wasn't a thing that would get fixed notice putlocker didn't address the issues at hand just keeps rolling on this dmca issue, the other 4 or 5 issues weren't even touched on, But I'll keep my files for the end of the month you pay me my due amount and we are good, I'll bring my...
  9. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... You call it tasteless I call it effective, if you read back I'm not uploading and your comprehension skills are questionable you're probably not to fluent in English by the looks of it, I understand I can imagine dealing with this problem if I wasn't proficient with the english language and...
  10. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... That's wonderful for free users that just stream I'm not disputing putlocker as a wonderful streaming host I'm questioning it's cat and mouse games with affiliates "The ones that earn him his money" Again let's not get sidetracked on the issues here at hand and focus on them. **Traffic...
  11. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... And actually I was asked to voice my opinion through this by a few putlocker users when I told them I was done with this, lets talk about issues at hand this is what a forum is all about not defending a site just because you aren't having the same issues alot of us are having next post...
  12. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... I always love the ideals of we don't need to explain our business practices end of, im not willing to accept someone smiling in my face while selling me a bag of shit as you are, its still a bag of shit, but yes ive talked to videobb and actually here you go... WJunction - Webmaster...
  13. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Now lets say you uploaded 12 files a day which for a 30 day period it would be 360 files half of your files were removed for dmca request in one months time, does this sound right to you? = )
  14. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    I post all movies, but dmca notices is just touching on the issues that were addressed that one of many small issues putlocker is having, I'm interested in a intelligent response from putlocker about the issues addressed, if they are dmca notices SHOW THEM, whats going on with these hits and...
  15. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    And on a side note escobar if you read the earlier post about all my files either dissapearing out of thin air or removed for dmca notices im nearly up to 50 files removed in 2 days, show me your removed files in 2 days for dmca notices and let's see what's going on here... I doubt you have 50...
  16. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    ... Then explain what's going on with people and views and the examples we have posted in previous pages, no one can seem to come up with a excuse I would put it. Do you have an answer because, putlocker doesn't? And what I think is you uploaders that make 100s of dollars a month if you're...
  17. C

    Any good VPN companies

    ... Best paid vpn service would have to be hidemyass I purchased their service for one month just to give it a test run have many servers have wonderful software design with a secure ip bind feature when your vpn connection drops it will stop whatever software you have accessing to the internet...
  18. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    I've already had many users come to me with same issues and it's my intensions to go elsewhere but for the time being I will address certain issues, seeing how your favorite hosting provider admin is no where in action? Imagine that in time of need, ghost
  19. C - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    El warez stop your idiotic non valid points, I have over 500 files and i receive thousands of views as well even when content gets pulled without dmca notices when you type in a forum use some common sense and intelligence. Don't just say random things in defense, people have issues and they are...