PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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mr Putlocker i think counter of unique downloads stoped again from 1 hour it is same i got :
Nov 02, 2011 16,638 3,468 $6.94
before 1 hour was something like 15000 but im not very sure im just looking 1st nov. like example:
Nov 01, 2011 17,611 6,965 $13.93
im not very sure about it , i will see it tomorow again :)
hi i'm new to putlocker. just a few questions if anyone here can answer...

1) the payout table is $xx per 10,000 views, so it doesn't count for file download? must stream video and view 50%+? if it count for download, then it count each complete download?

2) if refer someone to a pro membership i can earn 3000 points, apart from that how i earn points? where states the points i've earned? the points determine which payout level i'm in? how many points i need to reach next level??

the descriptions on site seems unclear...
Hallo my Premium Account runs out on 6.11 and I wanted to use my Points to renew it. I had about 40000 Points but now I have only 376 ?! Will the points come back?
accounts upgraded.

Affiliate stats show the correct numbers an Affiliate Option are removed and should be fixed today.

points are reset on the counter side every month but not erased, Pm me about the points upgrade for ur PRO account.
hello admin i did not recieve my payment of $15 at putlocker it seems it has been paid but i did not receive my payment

my username:srtalpur2
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