PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Server maintence


I have about 11K for Total Download but only 1.8K is counted as unique.
Is that normal? Is anybody face the same thing or just me?
That was not even 20%...

If you look at your files in depth you will notice probably 30 percent or more are not available for streaming, therefore your unique count would go down but the count overall would still remain around the same.

any proofs for that?

There are 79 files in my unavailable files section on Putlocker and even more on Sockshare. Will you please answer my earlier question about this being a temporary or permanent thing? When you make files unavailable, the sites I post them to take them offline and I have to post them all over again. It is effectively, a waste of my time. Please let me know if this is how Putlocker/Sockshare will be from now on as I am not into wasting my time! Thanks.

Do you need anymore proof escobar?

Please tell me what the point of having a forum is, if you hardly ever come and answer our questions. When you do come, please address my concerns:

1. Sockshare is offline for me once again.

2. My list of unavailable files is very long. Yesterday it was 79, and today it is 172. I haven't even finished re-adding the ones you took down from last week.

3. Still waiting for your response about the difference in counts on Putlocker and Alluc.org...You said weeks ago that you would have somebody look into it and get back to me. The count now is Putlocker: 3049 and Alluc:8451...

I ask this because I use to get 1K views for 3K total download at beginning of Dec. After server maintenance (about middle of Dec), number of total download increase but unique views are less.
Anyway thanks for reply..:)

yeah cause now they count 1 ip per 24h per file.If a person see a link of mine and then a link of yours its not unique.Just download.

Elwarez the 1 click per ip per 24 hours as unique that change took place November 1st, so that isn't a answer.
Do you need anymore proof escobar?
i also have hunderts of files which are deactivated... i don't need a proof for that^^

but where is the proof that mr putlocker is deactivating the files, because he is funny, and likes to kidding us?^^
sure this server story sucks...
but why distrust him?

Firstly have you got any reason as to why hundreds of files are deactivated in the first place, isn't that funny enough? Then when they are deactivated they always get deleted, is that not even more funny behavior? Isn't uploading let's say 100 files then 50 of them files are taken down days later for various reasons, I or no one else could hit you harder over the head with more obvious proof, if you want to be blind, I can't fix that :)
Yeah, both putlocker and sockshare are down. By the way, sockshare is down for me since yesterday :(
Online again :)
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if you want to be blind, I can't fix that
nope, and you also can't prevent users to use put/sock, and you shouldn't try to do that. and u shouldn't try to be the prophet of anti-put with your 10(?) banned accounts here on wj, so u should gtfo forever of this thread, because this is a support thread and not an "look how bad is putlocker thread"! or can u tell me why u are register new accounts when banned?
i think this section would fit to your posts:
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yes , it seems to be ok in my side , other users too ?

Added after 15 minutes:

but can not upload !
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Any1 can help me ? From where to you upload to putlocker ? Till now i used premiumcreator.com and now i gone :S .... Il appreciate any good site similar site like premiumcreator that generate links that works on putlocker , i dont care if is not free,
anu1 know such a site ? that allow you generate multiple links at once ? with no limit ...

nope, and you also can't prevent users to use put/sock, and you shouldn't try to do that. and u shouldn't try to be the prophet of anti-put with your 10(?) banned accounts here on wj, so u should gtfo forever of this thread, because this is a support thread and not an "look how bad is putlocker thread"! or can u tell me why u are register new accounts when banned?
i think this section would fit to your posts:

Firstly no one is trying to stop users from using putlocker/sockshare did you see that anywhere in my comments, I'm simply addressing problems along with others, where you got this "don't use putlocker/sockshare" theme is beyond me, you seem to not like to address things, in the beginning you couldn't see any problems now, well now you have and you're trying to take a different approach with me bringing up things I haven't even said lol, read back users want fixes not only I, surely you aren't happy with the way things are as you've already stated you aren't saying absolutely nothing will get you just that, don't try to play battle of the wits with me on a forum surely you will look like an idiot you barely can construct a full sentence with proper english :)
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