Search results

  1. T - cPanel Hosting, Nginx, Softaculous, Instant, 1Gbps from $0.01 (NL)

    Server is down, is down too...
  2. T - Earn up to $40 Reliable Video Host

    How can i get embed code to my selected movies? I can see immediately after upload, but at any later time- i can't. There is no embed link in export, only simple link, forum code and html code.
  3. T

    How to Embed Stream Video in Wordpress?

    I have the same problem, did someone managed to successfully add embed stream video to wp?
  4. T - cPanel Hosting, Nginx, Softaculous, Instant, 1Gbps from $0.01 (NL)

    Is your hosting fully compatible with Vidiscript requirements? It can be installed from softaculous, but i somehow can't get it fully working (doesn't show embed video, just blank page)
  5. T

    SiteCloud - cPanel,CloudLinux - 3 GB Space/10 GB Bandwidth - Only 0.50/month(Uk,US)

    How much time does it take to get activated after payment? Ticket system doesn't work, my hosting package is still pending, could you, please, activate it as soon, as possible? :)
  6. T

    OVFile - Join us to make money - Earn up to 20.00 USD!

    Damn it, really? X-( How many days, you guys, are waiting for your payments?
  7. T

    Earn up to 25 EUR for 1000 Downloads ** Official Thread **

    Yea, not only ftp upload is missing: "We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment. Refresh this page in some minutes." :D
  8. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Today i got the PRO status for my putlocker account as the x-mas promotion! Thank you, putlocker! ;) P.s. yes, sometimes putlocker has problems with servers, etc... Don't know how about you guys, but personally, i earn most from putlocker! So as long as i can earn few bucks more from...
  9. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Yeah, both putlocker and sockshare are down. By the way, sockshare is down for me since yesterday :( Online again :)
  10. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Thank you for payments from putlocker and sockshare! :sun:
  11. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    "We are undergoing scheduled maintenance. Please check back shortly. Thanks!" Really? This is starting to be a bad tradition.
  12. T

    VideoZer – Earn up to US$25 / 1000 views – Better way to make money!

    Thank you for payment! By the way, there is something wrong with the remote upload from fileserve. Too many failed uploads, while links are working flawlessly on fileserve.
  13. T

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Thanks for payment! On time as always :)
  14. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Hello, please upgrade my sockshare account to level 2. My username is maklauds. I really like putlocker, so i think i will give a try to sockshare :)
  15. T - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

    Hello, please upgrade my account to level 2. My username: Tomasis
  16. T

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Got my first payment, thank you Videobb team :)
  17. T - CloudLinux, cPanel, Nginx/Apache@ $1.99/Month (NL/USA/SE/RU)

    No, it's not :( My site is offline and it keeps showing "403 Forbidden". Opened a support ticket, but no reply so far.
  18. T

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Why almost all of my uploaded movies after processing goes to reviewing? It is kinda annoying, because these movies being reviewed for more than 24hours now.