Putlocker is the number one and still the number one
Good Speed
Payment on Time
Good Affiliates
not cheating on views like some hosters :facepalm: u now what i mean ...
firstly I was with another hoster and my views are every day 3 - 10 maximum if i had good luck 20 views per day
verry bad upload & download speed
the last sh....
than i have changed to another hoster
i get no views because the hoster has
1 MILLION ADS befor you can see a video so no body like that
as you can see hier
Another Hoster :
Putlocker ( The Number One )
you can see with PutLocker i reach now up to 2.000 Views per day that's verry geat
im verry satisfied and happy to use this Hoster
no matter if they have sometimes down if i get real views on time and payment on time
I think Putlocker has a great Futur
Thank you