Wait time for registered users is currently 30 minutes, guests (users that did not register) must wait 1 hour.I have a question. Do you put Croatia in Group III and How much time there is a link from last download for registred user and premium user ?
Can you please PM me your username and the domain you are trying to add ? I'll have it checkedSir, can you please fix the problem with website verificaiton and bonus for sold premium accounts from my website.
Wait time for registered users is currently 30 minutes, guests (users that did not register) must wait 1 hour.
Sorry now I understand. Files expire after 30 days for Free accounts.Wait time for registered users is currently 30 minutes, guests (users that did not register) must wait 1 hour.
You have not understood the question. I wondered how long links live. For example 30 days from last download or 90 days from last download.
Thanks, I see our contact info is missing.I've just added PrivateFiles to FileHostReview.com.
If any representatives of PrivateFiles finds any mistakes for PrivateFiles on FileHostReview.com please feel free to send me a private message on this forum.
Thanks, I see our contact info is missing.I've just added PrivateFiles to FileHostReview.com.
If any representatives of PrivateFiles finds any mistakes for PrivateFiles on FileHostReview.com please feel free to send me a private message on this forum.
Done!Please upgrade my account, Thank very much.
My account: tony5368
Done!Hello could give premium account
User: o71622
May be,haha. PrivateFiles is good file host.they Seo filename is very goodmy payment was pending , Today expected payment![]()
Today Payout @PrivateFiles??? now is 5:27 PM
my payment was pending , Today expected payment