- Upto $50 PPD or 60% PPS

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Hello Privatefiles,

Please upgrade my acc to premium,
im an uploader

Username : SarangMovie
Done !
Affilliate just PPD or PPS? No Mix? :(
For the time being we are only offering one or the other. If there is sufficient demand for it we will add a Mixed option as well.

is it possible to have download links like other filehosts with filename at the end of the link.
We prefer to keep the links shorter and without filenames.
ftp can't connect, fix pls
Should be back up any minute once changes to our load balancer is completed.
We finished a part of our network upgrade and would love to feedback about upload speeds. You should notice an increase in upload speed if you are located in Europe.
is it possible to have download links like other filehosts with filename at the end of the link.

I would like to have this function too.
Also I have requested payout and sent you PM please check it
and well done for upgrade your site
Payouts will be done today! Our upgrades took priority :)

Added after 5 minutes:

How long time did it take to upload a 1 gb file? Are you using web or FTP uploads ?

Upload to to slow, France EU

With this speed
file of 1 gb should be long to upload...
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How long time did it take to upload a 1 gb file? Are you using web or FTP uploads ?

I'll check it out now exactly and contacting you here

Added after 1 41 minutes:




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We finished a part of our network upgrade and would love to feedback about upload speeds. You should notice an increase in upload speed if you are located in Europe.
Thanks for the first payment mate, but today stats is bug, downloads not count correct :facepalm:
please fix
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