Post your FileSonic earnings Screenshot

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:I am AWESOME: is banned here at Wjunction as far as i remember. He created new account with name alex17 here. This against the rules of WJ

It is really sad to see that you are supporting him :( . You replied in his thread yesterday of Transformers 3 Scam Hindi when you were talking about it chatbox here. Really sad

I am not sure if he is I am awesome .. I chat with IAA almost everyday and is a good frnd of me..He didn't tell me anything..I doubt it..even there is reson for CA to support it..
nigel, i did and it was done.

guys let's play a game. the first who comments about whether if alex17 is i am awesome or not - is the loser.

ready? let's go, game on.

i m sure that he is :I am AWESOME: ....... you know how ? alex17 is distributing a pdf file here with title "How_to_make_money_with_file_hosts." which contains his MSN and :I am AWESOME:'s every topic in WBB has his MSN id too...... guess what, both are same


Now you may ask IAA why he is not telling you that he is aka alex17 ;)

Now enough with off-topic........ Mod knows better. If he is already banned here, then he is not allowed to create duplicate account. Regards
:I am AWESOME: is banned here at Wjunction as far as i remember. He created new account with name alex17 here. This against the rules of WJ

It is really sad to see that you are supporting him :( . You replied in his thread yesterday of Transformers 3 Scam Hindi when you were talking about it chatbox here. Really sad


i m sure that he is :I am AWESOME: ....... you know how ? alex17 is distributing a pdf file here with title "How_to_make_money_with_file_hosts." which contains his MSN and :I am AWESOME:'s every topic in WBB has his MSN id too...... guess what, both are same


Now you may ask IAA why he is not telling you that he is aka alex17 ;)

Now enough with off-topic........ Mod knows better. If he is already banned here, then he is not allowed to create duplicate account. Regards

I ll say let the mods do their work..and we should stop is BS..if the IP's are same BAN HIM...please dont post anything offtopic please :)
allright here
first column is REPLIES second is VIEWS all are Games :)


i think tis enough of off topic now

I work only adult in 4 forums 16 + hours a day and can not cover more than $ 5
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