PixSense.net 12$/1000, 2 POPS only, BEST EARNINGS, TRY TO BELIEVE. BTC|PP|WMZ|PZ

Can you post screenshot here where you can choose non-adult option at our site?

If you can't, please dont spam.

Thank you =)

Your first post: Legal adult images/ non adult images is allowed

if you dont evenknow whats on your site :facepalm:

Whats your account username? I cannot find that gallery.

It is only possible that you made that gallery long time ago. Its impossible to create an non-adult gallery now.

As far as i know, you won't get any pop ads(only banners) if you did have that non-adult gallery. So don't spread false information.

Yes we allow both adult and non adult images, since when we said we don't allow it?

Early notice :

On 15 September - 25 september 2016, we will be out of office. So we might not be able to send payment in this period.

During this period, we will increase rate by 10%.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you for using us!
getting an error when trying to connect to site:


The table "country" for active record class "Country" cannot be found in the database

admin can fix it quickly

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