PixSense.net 12$/1000, 2 POPS only, BEST EARNINGS, TRY TO BELIEVE. BTC|PP|WMZ|PZ


Active Member

Why you should try PixSense?

Try our host, work with us. And never get regretted. Just five reasons.

  • 2 Pops Only!
  • Good/ awesome earnings, STABLE (We will not change our infrastructure anytime soon).
  • No shave
  • Trust - We never missed any eligible payments since 2 years ago.
  • Bonus earnings! Which mean 12$ is Only the base earning!

General informations :

- 2 Pops Only!

- Payout are being made via BTC, PP, PZ, WMZ

- Minimum payout is 5$, user must make payout request before the end of Monday every week, and will be paid on Tuesday - Sunday (Usually will be paid within 2 days)

- Any type of social traffic, fake traffic is not allowed, Strictly no c.h.i.l.d.p.o.r.n, don't waste your time.

- Legal adult images/ non adult images is allowed

- Max image size 10 MB, max images per upload initiation is 300 images.

"Bonus earnings" are depends on your performance, the more you use our host, the more bonus you will get

Rates :


Start your journey now, register an account with us and start earning cash!:)

Official Skype support : pixsense.net

Register here - PixSense.net
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Can you post screenshot here where you can choose non-adult option at our site?

If you can't, please dont spam.

Thank you =)

Your first post: Legal adult images/ non adult images is allowed

if you dont evenknow whats on your site :facepalm:

Whats your account username? I cannot find that gallery.

It is only possible that you made that gallery long time ago. Its impossible to create an non-adult gallery now.

As far as i know, you won't get any pop ads(only banners) if you did have that non-adult gallery. So don't spread false information.

Yes we allow both adult and non adult images, since when we said we don't allow it?

Early notice :

On 15 September - 25 september 2016, we will be out of office. So we might not be able to send payment in this period.

During this period, we will increase rate by 10%.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you for using us!
getting an error when trying to connect to site:


The table "country" for active record class "Country" cannot be found in the database

admin can fix it quickly

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