phpUploader v2.1 - Opensource php based auto uploader

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Active Member
Wtf is this? Who the heck are you?
This is phpUploader. An open source and/or free, php based auto uploader. I'm lifetalk - a pretty much unknown figure around here.

What does it do?
FFS! I can't be arsed to keep updating this paragraph, lol. This shit does a lot of stuff. Have a look at the changelog.

- Downloads from RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Extracts files (Vanilla)
- Can extract password protected RAR's (Vanilla)
- Renames the extracted files (Vanilla)
- Changes the MD5 hash of the files (Vanilla)
- If extracted/downloaded files are videos, MTN will create a screencap and upload it to LulzImg (Vanilla/LeechMod)
- Re-Rar's the extracted file with a custom RAR name (Vanilla)
- Can password protect the new RAR files (Vanilla)
- Will generate a post layout using IMDB info (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Uploads files back to RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)

Extended features:
- You can add multiuser authentication to the script's access. (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Notifies you via email and/or flashing screen/sound on completion (Vanilla)
- Uses binary rar/unrar so your server does not need RAR/UNRAR installed (Vanilla)
- Plugin based system (Don't bother with this - Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Can delete unnecessary files from the downloaded RAR (Vanilla)
- Can add your custom files to the new RAR (Vanilla)
- I don't remember the rest.. seriously!

Which filehosts?
At the moment:
- FileServe (Download/Upload)
- Hotfile (Download/Upload)
- Rapidshare (Download/Upload)
- Megaupload (Download/Upload)

Why did you release it for free? (Insert random negative effect of doing so, here)
Fuck you!

Can I donate $XYZ to you?

Because I don't want to make money off warez.

But this is opensource!
Fuck you, again :|

Everyone will use this script to make money, though!
So be it. Look at the positive side. There will be a lot more 'alive' links. Yeah there might be spam, but there's also going to be more choice, variety, etc etc shit.

Got screens?
No. Too lazy to screenshot the new v2.0 release. I haz the Vanilla screens now. Someone screenshot the LeechMod release and PM me pl0xxxxxxxxx. Thankeeeeeeeeeee.

Vanilla Screens:


Vanilla (l0calh0st GUI) Screen:


Download v2.1 LeechMod:

Download v2.1 Vanilla:

Thanks to:
- DeLeTeD for his awesome IMDB mod and skinning phpUploader
- Ronald for designing the skin :D
- deAthbLiss for his rename mod

Special thanks to:
- Somik for his loadza mods and his dedication to making phpUploader better. And of course, to his VPS, for helping us figure out what a possible problem could be :P
- v3g3t4 for his consistent beta testing :D We'll be sure to consistently bug you in future releases, mate :P

Reply here. PMs WILL be ignored.

- PHP Safe Mode disabled.
- PHP cURL extension installed.
- Upload to Rapidshare uses the FileMigrator API function. You need to unlock your RS account (security lock).

How do I install RAR/UNRAR on my VPS/server?
If you have ssh access, then either of the two commands will work for you:
yum install rar unrar -y
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf rarlinux-3.8.0.tar.gz
cd rar
cp rar unrar /usr/bin/
Warning: We are not responsible for how you use the script. Do not use any script modifications or plugin(s) from anyone you dont trust, as they may modify the script to cause harm to your host or premium accounts.

I'll update this post if I've missed stuff out :)
mirrors fo mrsandvik


lolz... did you use script to make those mirrors?
used rapidleech to create the mirrors

Anyway I still havent figured out why HF doesnt work for uploading as it works from rapidleech on the same server and I rechecked my config so hmmmm
^ Both options would be cool,

I wouldn't like the screen to pop up because if im really into something, or playing a game or whatsoever, i wouldn't like to get the pop up.. Rather a sound
it could have the option of screen or sound or shake(shake would be best imo)

quote by me: 0riginally Posted by Quick Sand
ok so i have another idea y not make it so that u can try

ok make it so that u can put 1 batch of links then another then another then another ..... about 100+ and then hit start it then generates the posts and puts it in text files and saves it on the server and then u can access it from text file of page

example(first batch):the expendables(u click the expendables the expendables text and it directs u there
for example http://serveriphere/Anumberornameofpost

if u want me to xplain more i can make a youtube video

anyone at alllllllll
I'm not sure about the screen thing, that would require javascript or something, I guess. I'll look into it, no promises there.

No, at the moment that is neither possible nor will it be done. I 'might' make it so that you can run the script in multiple tabs (multiple sessions) (which is currently not possible) but am not sure about that.

I've decided to release 2 versions of this script. Am still working on that. One of them is going to be the leechmod. This will have deAthbLiss's code a lot. It wont have the rar/unrar option. Just a pure leech, rename, upload script.
The other is going to be the original mod. I'll modify deaTh's code in that and make it a little more straightforward.
As it stands now, the script has become quite confusing and that is not what was intended.

deAth, just a request mate. Hold off any mods for the time being till I finish coding/testing/releasing v2. ETA is 24 hours.

For anyone having issues with the newest mods, etc use v1.2 or v1.3 as they work flawlessly.

For those who are complaining about files not being uploaded to HF, check your HF account. There's a problem with some servers where the functions.php file needs an additional 2 lines. If you see the files in your HF account, but the link is not being output in the script, then that's the reason.

There's lots of changes and stuff to make. Please hold of ALL mods till I release v2. Releasing mods only makes it a gazillion times more confusing for me to re-implement them.
In other words, all mods released beyond this point WILL BE IGNORED.

@lifetalk, i'll work on the javascript popup, flash and sound plugin. I'll try to keep it simple so that you can just add it at the bottom of the script (when all processing is done). Now i just need to find javascript flashing codes... Also a midi sound that goes beep... I'll figure smt out :)

I also have another idea... Will try it out on my own servers before giving you :)

AAAAAAhhhhhh my eyes! OMG! You really want this flashing annoyance!?! Well dont say i didn't warn you! It'll be available as a seperate plugin FOR THOSE WHO WANTS IT. Place this in the plugins folder to make it work (i'll elaborate more on this later).

Here's a demo of what it looks like right now:

mrsandvik, Ronald, Quick Sand be sure to check the link and give any possible suggestions :)

Enough to get your attention? :p

I'll hold this off till the final version is released. It seems like not many people are in favour of this new plugin...
In other words, all mods released beyond this point WILL BE IGNORED.

@lifetalk, i'll work on the javascript popup, flash and sound plugin. I'll try to keep it simple so that you can just add it at the bottom of the script (when all processing is done). Now i just need to find javascript flashing codes... Also a midi sound that goes beep... I'll figure smt out :)

I also have another idea... Will try it out on my own servers before giving you :)

AAAAAAhhhhhh my eyes! OMG! You really want this flashing annoyance!?! Well dont say i didn't warn you! It'll be available as a seperate plugin FOR THOSE WHO WANTS IT. Place this in the plugins folder to make it work (i'll elaborate more on this later).

Here's a demo of what it looks like right now:

mrsandvik, Ronald, Quick Sand be sure to check the link and give any possible suggestions :)

Enough to get your attention? :p

I'll hold this off till the final version is released. It seems like not many people are in favour of this new plugin...

Your link is not working mate.
Isn't it possible to download AVI files from direct links? I tried but failed.

Actually I download from torrents, then I move it to my RL Files folder, it isn't getting possible to use the direct link in the php uploader.

Or may be if i move the file to phpuploader files folder, is it possible to use that to rar automatically and upload?
@mrsandvik, link is up if you wanna check it out:

what are you going to add in V2?

Auto leech thread and post?

Nope, not yet. You should do something on your own! LOL!

Isn't it possible to download AVI files from direct links? I tried but failed.

Actually I download from torrents, then I move it to my RL Files folder, it isn't getting possible to use the direct link in the php uploader.

Or may be if i move the file to phpuploader files folder, is it possible to use that to rar automatically and upload?

Direct link support is still not added. What you can do is place those files in your "files" folder, download a dummy .rar file from rapidshare or smt, and it should do the rest automaticly :)
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