OVFile - Join us to make money - Earn up to 20.00 USD!

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NOTICE: The rewards program will be terminated as of Febuary 5th 2012.


Upcoming changes
February 03th, 2012
This notification if being posted to make users aware of the upcoming changes to OVFile.
Effective February 5th 2012, the rewards program will be permanently shutdown.
There afterwards we will process the outstanding payment requests within 7 business days.

We have also removed the download functionality from the website.
Users will only be able to download files from within their account
and will only have access to download the files that they've uploaded.

Please ensure that you have all the necessary rights to any video that you upload.

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I'm glad even though they pay on average $1/30,000 views they are only going to payout to people who reached $50 and not everyone with other amounts..
This is what they told me when I inquired about payments "First we must deal with all the pending payments then we'll contact certain long-time users and process their outstanding balance."
lets hope and pray that ovfile will be true to their words that they will pay the affiliate members for their outstanding balance's, affiliates member invest lots of time and effort for this to bring lots of traffic to their site and income as well. but i believe ovfile will do what they have promise:P more power to all.
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