Welcome to the family...
You are definitely the type of user we are looking for to give feedback and suggestions on new functions on the website. Some answers to your questions:
*Remote upload being able to add multiple links and recognize spaces or special characters.
-No problem will talk with programming team to add this feature
*Having remote upload from google be just adding link with no sign in
-Same as above, will talk with programming team to make this modifcation
*Adding of Progress bar for upload
-Currently there should be a progress bar for upload, will talk with programming team to make sure it is showing and that there are no issues
* Having FTP up-loader
-Current video uploader uses FTP, we are currently making some adjustments to server to make upload faster.
*Having Folders to sort Video's
-From Help Tab:
How Do I create playlists?
Click Plus(+) icon next to your username on the side of your video library to display a pop up. Fill out the title and save playlist.
How Do I add video's on playlist??
Click on your username name to reveal the word library on the left side bar. Then click the down arrow to reveal the different playlists you have created. Right click on the playlist to either edit, add video's, or delete your playlis
*Customize Player
-We are currently working on feature that allows user to remove logo from video player and place there own logo on it with hyperlink. If there are any additional changes you would like to see, all you have to do is let me know.
*Torrent Upload
-Do you mean for files like piratebay and kickass torrentz? We have been thinking about adding file sharing to our website, if you can give what things you would like to see in a file-sharing website we can be sure to add them when building up this section of website.
*Cover Image/Subtitles?
-Currently we have this feature already. You can add subtitles and cover image by clicking the pencil icon next to your video and clicking show more to see all of the different editable features for a video including adding cover image and subtitles. If you want to add something to all video's going forward without having to edit video's individually go to your video settings tab and set your preferences there.
Welcome again to Otakucloud.com . We look forward to continue hearing your valuable input...