Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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Dear MarcoPolo,

I can perfectly understand that you do not want to ban all other filehosts from your website. On the other hand you have to understand that it is
proven that you will very significantly increase the sell of premium accounts if you use one hoster. I can even assure you, that many users
feel better if you select one main host for your files because the "hoster-hopping" is annoying for them -nobody is willing to buy 4 premium accounts for 4 hosters, but very likely to choose "the one" you finally selected.
My suggestion would be to develop a second website or blog were you
work with just one hoster - and that should be ORON.

I like to once more remind you that only fools believe that 85% fro new accounts is better than 55% for new accounts and 55% for rebills.
The last program does make you about 190-200% more profit. But I explained that already.

I used Oron for a week. (Pay Per Download) After 2 days I was at 100%...5 days later back to 2%...so I quit.
I quess Oron PPS is really great if you use only Oron. But that is not possible for me...I can't just quit using all other Filehosts on my site. Many people bought there long term premium Accounts.
Maybe I will give Oron another shot and use it in some Forums...
Any advice Mr. from the Oron Support?
Dear MarcoPolo,

I can perfectly understand that you do not want to ban all other filehosts from your website. On the other hand you have to understand that it is
proven that you will very significantly increase the sell of premium accounts if you use one hoster. I can even assure you, that many users
feel better if you select one main host for your files because the "hoster-hopping" is annoying for them -nobody is willing to buy 4 premium accounts for 4 hosters, but very likely to choose "the one" you finally selected.
My suggestion would be to develop a second website or blog were you
work with just one hoster - and that should be ORON.

I like to once more remind you that only fools believe that 85% fro new accounts is better than 55% for new accounts and 55% for rebills.
The last program does make you about 190-200% more profit. But I explained that already.

At first I used only one Hoster on my site (and most people still buy their premium there, Around 300 new Premium Users per Month) but then the Hoster had some problems so I added two more Hoster. Many Free Users are now happy.
I take your advice and I am going to launch another website. (let's try some porn :D) It may take some time but I really believe Oron is worth it.
I realised that i have a lot of dead links even i'm premium user for more then a year. So how they got dead?

And, for example movie got 10 files, i realised that 9 files work, and one of that 10 dont work. On every second movie thats the same situation.

Thinking to quit uploading on oron...
Sir OronSupport...

I have a question for you ,

I made a sale while I was working on "earn by per download" mode,

after that I changed it to per sale 55% thing.

do I get Rebill from the sale that I got while I was in download mode ?

Regards .
To be honest and with no disrespect,I found Oron just an average filehost...Some of the reasons are

-A free user has to wait about 4 hours or more to download a file after downloading a file.
-It's more about generatng sales..Uploaders who can't generate sales can't even reach $100 soon.
-Remote upload speeds is pretty slow.
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