[official] Netload.in Thread

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You Changed Your Plan On 4th And You Might Have Been On plan 2 Before That.
Therefore You Got 90% Of Your sale And Also Sales Get Updated Once.

The Chance Is That The sale You Got was Before Switching To plan 1.

Bad Luck.

No,change was made ​​before the sale account. In the early hours of 04.04.2012 actively plan was Plan 1 . Netload no pay and steal . Shame!!!

90 % will thinking, that file is deleted :( this mean that donwload is only for premium

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90 % will thinking, that file is deleted :( this mean that donwload is only for premium


I totally agree with you!!!! That exactly what I thought about it. You should put file's name and size in bold letter on the top, not on the bottom with a light small letter like that. What i do is i wrote a small explaination on every single post direct my loader what this mean after they click on my link becuz I set only 100MB for free user.
netload - cheating filehost

Just think before you are telling NL is cheatin!

They updated their reward system on monday.
You where set on plan 3 automatically and get a sale for a recurring order. You changed to plan 1 the same day, but the sale was before you changed and so you get 60% of a 1 month recurring sale!

They are counting right!

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I tried to use today the ftp and it says Login Incorrect. I put exactly the detais of the FTP. Does anyone the problem? I`m a free user.

Use this one.

I use that since 2 months ago, with out problems... all the servers working fine.

u use limit size for free users?


It's not needed, Free User Speed is terrible ^^
Agree... Do not force them. Just upload good stuff. then the sales can by itself
For my people is different and if free user is really slow. They will never gonna buy Premium Cuz they will think it will be slow too. So for my country it better off to set free user limit to 100MB. It all depend bro. Your trick not working here in my country with many people hard to understand english too!
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