[official] Netload.in Thread

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I have an RDP in France of 10Gbps

ftp upload is 3 mb in total

10 files up online

wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

I have an RDP in France of 10Gbps

ftp upload is 3 mb in total

10 files up online

wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong


yes, a little bit slowed down

I'm just 30 Mbit / second and upload been waiting...

my server located Netherland 1gbit
takes too long to generate link

I'm still waiting since 20 minutes

edit: generate links finished :) After 30 minutes

my ftp is not working.............

I have an RDP in France of 10Gbps

ftp upload is 3 mb in total

10 files up online

wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong


Been waiting over an hour and still no links, still says checking.

yes , I waiting for a long time... SERVER IS OVERLOADEDDDDDDD :facepalm:

why my premium account is blocked?
i just use it in my RDP with one ip, no sharing.

ftp does not work for me again :facepalm::facepalm:

FTP doesn't work at all again

For last 10hrs FTP isn't working for me. I hope they fix it soon.

I have no problem about ftp upload, as I say, use CuteFTP instead of FileZilla.

The problem is generate links took so long

Mike, where are you .. please fix FTP

4 days passed since his last visit and 13 days passed since last reply.

netload should announce My post as official now -
Now the times comes -

http://www.wjunction.com/1448945-post2008.htm =)
Status: Resolving address of u........ftp.netload.in
Status: Connecting to

waits waits waits...

Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...

you are fucking fantastic netload

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