[official] Netload.in Thread

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I request payment via paypal in 11.03.2012 , but still no pay me.

it will take up to 10 business days .... :)....its just 4 days past....

tofuwizard, there is a big problem in netload, you talk free because this
storm did not hit you. They wiped my 1 tb (20 day files) with one shot
and without warning even if I'm premium member and did not share them.
And I shared 200 movies and no sale. They are leeching us and laughing us
by keeping quite.

brother i was exactly of the opinion like you....but trust me sales do count..if you share unique content :D
Why people should join netload -

1. Our Support never work ( some time u got reply from one support staff aka mile if u r lucky draw winner)

2. FTP Upload speed ,generating link will not work for all user , if works it will take 1 hrs to forever till your death .

3. Your upload will not safe all your files can be vanished anytime anyday and hard disk crash is our main features .

4. Free user download speed is dream speed U will get guaranteed spped 2 kb/sec .

5. We have spl features that can blacklist any file anytime even for those files which is not shared also and we proud for this features . i.e - U take a picture of your wife and want to share with your friend and our system can black list those file too because our system can detect your intention too .

6.remote upload is our gr8 feature and it will work once in a week .

7. Memeber"s Payout - We can pay via wmz or alertpay - Time - during your lifetime

U will get all the aforementioned features by incredible price € 64,99 ( 1 year ) .

Haha netload should mention this in their website .=)
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Why people should join netload -

1. Our Support never work ( some time u got reply from one support staff aka mile if u r lucky draw winner)
2. FTP Upload speed ,generating link will not work for all user , if works it will take 1 hrs to forever till your death .
3. Your upload will not safe all your files can be vanished anytime anyday and hard disk crash is our main features .
4. Free user download speed is dream speed U will get guaranteed spped 2 kb/sec .
5. Memeber"s Payout - We can pay via wmz or alertpay - Time - during your lifetime

U will get all the aforementioned features by incredible price € 64,99 ( 1 year ) .

Haha netload should mention this in their website .=)
hahaha funny :)).
but I still use netload :)
If all of you people that do nothing but complain would just quit using netload.in then I'm sure the service would be much better. It was certainly much better before coming to wjunction
i only need that:
1) they fix the remote upload with api that are too much slow and take me impossible to work

1) they fix the blacklist file ...i think all the mp4 is blacklisted
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