[official] Netload.in Thread

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about 1tb of my files gone. I wonder what Mike and his friends are doing on server... dealing with server problems or without solving these problems, or just deleting files in order to allocate space? please inform us, and lets decide whether we go on uploading or not...
no file storage problem from me :s storing more than 10TB more over when i check foders only 2 folder from last 100 are deleted.. i'm lucky i'm guessing or i might be in the que lol :P
tofuwizard, there is a big problem in netload, you talk free because this
storm did not hit you. They wiped my 1 tb (20 day files) with one shot
and without warning even if I'm premium member and did not share them.
And I shared 200 movies and no sale. They are leeching us and laughing us
by keeping quite.
I smell something wrong here -

They don't have money in alertpay to pay user via alertpay .
They don't have perfect WMZ account ( Mike told me in emal that there wmz account has limitation for sending fund ) for sending fund via wmz to pay user via Wmz .
But with formal passpot in wmz ( installing wmz classic) any one can send 3000$ wmz per month without any problem . plus In webmoney any onc can open as many accounts they want under one passport so netload can easily open 2,3 accounts to over come this sending fund limitation issue

then why this delay ? or this is intentional ?

Then why they add this payout option before fix all issue ?
Or they just add them to collect more customer for gain profit ?
Or they just want to make fun ?
or they have a plan to shut down soon so before shut down they want big money ?

I never see any file host company whose payout take more than 7 days except megaupload who stop payout since may 2011 before FBI arrest .

People can give chance for fixing all issue max 30 days but not 2 months 3 months 6 months .Life goes fast day by day and netload goes slows day by day lol

Tell me only one host whose payout take over 60 days ?
Today is 65 th day I am still waiting for my 3 rd payout via wmz
Then what excuse will give netload now ?

People are not stupid they will understand netload"s intention very soon
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tofuwizard, there is a big problem in netload, you talk free because this
storm did not hit you. They wiped my 1 tb (20 day files) with one shot
and without warning even if I'm premium member and did not share them.
And I shared 200 movies and no sale. They are leeching us and laughing us
by keeping quite.
Uh, excuse me, I had a post 2-3 pages back that mentioned that I lost 1.5TB or so last night and yes it is less than 20 days of inactiveness too.

I agree with you that this is a problem with Netload. In fact, I half expect them to not recover those files, saying it's a unrecoverable HDD crash as always and this would never happened again. Will that promise come true? It hasn't been for the past years, so why would it change now?

The fact of the matter is that Netload has always been like this, and sure, we can complain here/send countless emails and everything, but if they do not change, why are we still giving them business and uploading to them? Personally I'm just using this a secondary mirror to the other filehosts out there. If links are down and users complain to me, I'll just mirror them from my RS files. If you are looking for this site as a serious contender as your primary filehost, look further on because this site lacks in reliability.

no one also force you to put ur nose everywhere =)
Well, if users can't use PP or MB account, and Netload refuses/delays payments on AP/WMZ. What do you expect them to do? Go to their offices in Germany and demand their money? There's nothing they can do but to wait (like you) for the pending payments (if they ever come). Till then, they would call it a scam (as the kids would call it) and quit uploading here and move on to another host till they pay on AP/WMZ. Simple logic, kid.
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